A complete breakdown of all the Bridgerton family trees

Everybody stay calm, but Bridgerton season three is finally here and we’re so ready for the more balls, gowns and gossip from the ton of Regency-era London. But, do you know your Bridgerton’s from your Danbury’s?

This series of the Netflix drama sees the relationship between Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington, played by Luke Newton and Nicola Coughlan, take centre stage and we can’t wait!

So, in case you need a refresher of who is who in the ton, then move over Lady Whistledown because here is a complete breakdown of every single family tree in Bridgerton.

The Royal Family

a man and woman dressed up in clothing

Meet the rulers of Regency-era England and the goings-on of the ton, headed up by none other than the Queen.

Princess Augusta

In Queen Charlotte, Princess Augusta is the no-nonsense and pushy mother of King George and the wife of the late Prince Frederick, who died before ascending the throne.

Queen Charlotte

Meet the leading lady of Queen Charlotte and England’s matriarch, in her husband George’s absence. What would the show be without her?

King George

Husband to Queen Charlotte and the most important man in England, King George has left public life in Regency-era England.


This is Queen Charlotte’s older brother and a German royal.

Prince Regent George

a group of people posing for a photo

He is the first son of Queen Charlotte and King George, followed on by more than 10 siblings.

The royal children

King George and Queen Charlotte’s children are as follows, Prince Regent George, Prince Frederick, Prince William, Princess Charlotte, Prince Edward, Princess Augusta, Princess Elizabeth, Prince Ernest, Prince Augustus, Prince Adolphus, Princess Mary, Princess Sophia.

The Bridgerton’s

a group of people posing for a photo

Next up, we have none other than the Bridgerton’s, one of London’s most popular families led by Violet Bridgerton.

Lord Ledger

We meet Violet’s kind-hearted father in Queen Charlotte. Remember his relationship with Lady Danbury?

Lady Ledger

She is wife to Lord Ledger and mother of Violet.

Violet Bridgerton

Our favourite mother! Violet went on to marry Edmund Bridgerton and is mother to the eight Bridgerton children.

Edmund Bridgerton

Violet and Edmund fell in love as children and they went on to have eight children, but he sadly died after a bee sting before the birth of his youngest child, Hyacinth.

Anthony Bridgerton

a man and woman hugging

Meet the head of the Bridgerton family in the Regency era. Once a rake, he is now married to Kate.

Kathani Bridgerton

Formerly Kathani Sharma and better known as Kate, she is the wife of Anthony Bridgerton. Her sister is Edwina Sharma, who is now married.

Benedict Bridgerton

Next up in the Bridgerton brunch is Edmund and Violet’s second child, Benedict.

Colin Bridgerton

The third child of Edmund and Violet is Colin, an avid traveller and the focus for season three.

Daphne Basset

a man and woman looking at each other

The fourth child of Edmund and Violet is Daphne, the family’s eldest daughter who is now married to Simon.

Simon Basset

The Duke of Hastings is a reformed rake but now married to Daphne and with a family of his own, after becoming estranged from his own father.

August Basset

He is the Duke and Duchess’ first child, lovingly nicknamed Auggie.

Eloise Bridgerton

The fifth child of Edmund and Violet loves reading and isn’t as interested in marriage.

Francesca Bridgerton

The sixth Bridgerton child enters society this season after time away learning music.

Gregory Bridgerton

The seventh child of Edmund and Violet.

Hyacinth Bridgerton

The youngest Bridgerton sibling, who was born just after the death of her father.

Newton Bridgerton

Can’t forget the dog!

The Featherington’s

a group of people posing for a photo

Another family of the ton is the Featherington’s, who often find themselves spreading or the subject of gossip.

Archibald Featherington

The head of the Featherington family and husband to Portia died at the end of season one.

Portia Featherington

The matriarch of the Feathington’s is the definition a meddling mother, but will do anything to protect her daughters.

Prudence Dankworth

The eldest daughter of Lord and Lady Featherington, often seen as Portia’s favourite child.

Harry Dankworth

Husband to Prudence.

Philippa Finch

The second daughter of Lord and Lady Featherington, who marries Albion.

Albion Finch

Husband to Philippa.

Penelope Featherington

The youngest daughter of Lord and Lady Featherington, and the secret author of gossip column Lady Whistledown.

Jack Featherington

A distant relative of Archibald, who has an affair with Portia yet soon departs after a mining scam.

Marina Thompson

Formerly Marina Crane and previously set to marry Colin Bridgerton, she is a distant cousin of the Featherington's later marries Phillip Crane.

The Danbury’s

a man and woman in formal wear

Last but not least, meet the Danbury’s led by close friend to the Queen, Agatha Danbury.

Lady Agatha Danbury

The widow of the late Lord Danbury and a mother of four, she is Queen Charlotte’s right-hand woman. She’s also a maternal figure to Simon Basset, following the death of his mother.

Lord Marcus Anderson

Lady Danbury’s brother, who we meet in season three.

Lord Danbury

The husband of Lady Agatha, who died in Queen Charlotte therefore leaving Agatha a widow.

Dominic Danbury

The oldest son of Lord and Lady Danbury’s four children.

Bridgerton is streaming on Netflix now.

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