Devon: Confirmed cases of disease more than double to 46 after parasite found in drinking water
The confirmed cases of a waterborne disease caused by a parasite have more than doubled.
The confirmed cases of a waterborne disease caused by a parasite have more than doubled.
Warwick Smith knew in his gut something was wrong
An NHS hospital cleaner who was fired after being off sick for more than 400 days over four years has won nearly £50,000 in compensation.
"I wish I could say this was the worst I’ve ever been treated by a medical professional... but it’s not. It’s just the most ridiculous."
A judge “condemned” a Christian woman to die “from dehydration”, despite her belief in the sanctity of life, her family has claimed.
Changes to the work capability assessment are at the heart of Labour plans
"Let's normalize hating being pregnant but still loving your baby."
Derrick Todd, a former rheumatologist, is accused of conducting unnecessary pelvic, breast and rectal exams for the purpose of sexually assaulting patients
Kelly Whittaker noticed the changes as soon as she came out of surgery
In the classic fable of the country mouse and the town mouse, the moral was clear; a country life is simpler and better for you.
Peers call on Labour to carry out ‘fundamental review’ amid rising concerns over retention of Tory plans for £3bn in cuts
Listeria can cause flu like symptoms and even meningitis in severe cases
A recent survey found that almost a third of young employees were signed off work with stress last year. Here’s how to find out whether you’re at risk of burnout, says Dr Claire Ashley aka The Burnout Doctor
"One diagnosis is enough to deal with, but I had two in the space of a year," the Duchess of York said
In September the radio presenter said he had been diagnosed with stage one laryngeal cancer.
The Reform UK said there should be a new way of funding the health service.
Families with babies in neonatal care will be entitled to additional time off in new measures confirmed by the government.
"I picked up my phone 10 minutes later to two missed calls and a voicemail from my OBGYN telling me to go to the hospital immediately."
Experts reveal the one food they ‘recommend you do not reheat at all’
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