Controversial Falkirk development plans rejected after appeal to Scottish Government

Marchmont Avenue in Polmont
The wall along Marchmont Avenue 'contributes positively to the character of the area', the Reporter said -Credit:Google Maps

A controversial plan to demolish a house to build three new homes in Polmont has been refused again after an appeal to the Scottish Government reporter.

The application to build the new houses at 3 Scott Avenue, Polmont, was refused planning permission by Falkirk councillors in February and an appeal made to the planning and environmental appeals division.

If approved, the plans submitted by Stephen Gillespie would have meant large sections of a wall along Marchmont Avenue being knocked down to gain access to the houses.

Read more: Solar panels for former Falkirk hospital get green light despite objections

In a verdict issued this week, the reporter ruled: "It is my opinion that the wall makes a valuable contribution to the townscape along Marchmont Avenue and contributes positively to the character of the area and its sense of place.

"Although not of listable quality, it is a prominent and characterful feature which frames views along the road and, as is apparent from the representations received, is greatly appreciated by local residents for these reasons."

The reporter also agreed that the new homes could cause overshadowing and that one would be "overbearing" for its neighbour on Lyall Avenue.

She also felt that creating safe access for vehicles would mean removing even more of the historic wall, which would not be acceptable.

More than 50 residents from Scott Avenue, Marchmont Avenue, and other nearby streets, had objected to the plans and at the February meeting, Councillor Gordon Forrest said he had had more enquiries about this development than any other issue since his election in May 2022.

As well as objecting to the wall being removed, several residents also said the three large houses would impact on road safety and overwhelm drainage that is already at capacity.

The reporter said she did not have sufficient information on the drainage issues that had been raised by residents but as she was dismissing the appeal on other grounds she did not investigate further.

In summary, the report made clear that while the site "could potentially accommodate more than one dwelling, the current proposals by virtue of their layout and access requirements would have an adverse impact upon the character of the area and the amenity of neighbouring properties".

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