Controversial plans for huge extension to Northumberland caravan park set to be approved by councillors

The plans will go before councillors at county hall next week
-Credit: (Image: Copyright Unknown)

Plans to build an additional 425 new hard standing pitches at an existing holiday park are set to be approved by councillors.

The plans, which have been recommended for approval by planners at Northumberland County Council, request permission for the new bases for holiday homes at Park Holidays' new site at Widdrington. Construction of the first phase, consisting of 275 hard standing bases for static caravans, is already underway.

The plans have attracted stiff opposition from the local community. Widdrington Parish Council has submitted an objection, along with a further 33 from local residents.

A petition signed by 40 people has also been received by the county council. Objections have centred around the impact on traffic, crime, and wildlife as well as increased demand on local services.

The parish council wrote: "The only village amenity is the public house. This has a limited amount of parking facilities, and is regularly busy already, without the influx of additional vehicles/patrons from the development.

"Of concern to the Parish Council is the influx of visitors into the area from the site - both during development and, if completed, from holidaymakers. The proposal will have an adverse effect on the security and safety of local residents.

"This application will blight local wildlife, the environment and the community and will bring no long term benefits to Widdrington Village or the surrounding areas - all the Parish Council can see is increased traffic (some unsuitable for the terrain), increased crime rates and reduced public safety."

The parish council also claimed Northumbria Police had objected to the application - although emails to planning officers from the force said this characterisation wasn't "factually correct". Furthermore, statements provided by the applicant had allayed the concerns initially raised by the police.

The applicant felt that the proposals would provide an economic boost to the local area via job creation and increased leisure spend. The plans will be considered at Castle Morpeth Local Area Planning Committee on Monday.