Controversy over removal of maze from Cleethorpes Pier Gardens

Gone - the maze at Pier Gardens, Cleethorpes, is no more
-Credit: (Image: Donna Clifford)

The removal of a maze at Pier Gardens, Cleethorpes, has caused controversy.

The maze has been removed as part of preparation works for the future rejuvenation of Pier Gardens, funded by part of the town's £18.4m Levelling Up Fund cash. Ward councillors have said they are "appalled" and "absolutely disgusted".

The council has justified its removal on anti-social behaviour grounds and stated nest checks were made. The maze's removal has provoked a strong response on social media.

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Councillors have been provided with a 1,100 word North East Lincolnshire Council statement explaining its removal. It also covers other preparation works associated with the resort's three Levelling Up-supported projects.

Labour Croft Baker Ward Cllr Marian Jervis said she was "appalled that the maze has been removed", before any plans had been put in place. Engagement events have recently been held on design proposals for Market Place and Pier Gardens' transformations. But these designs have not yet been finalised.

Cllr Jervis said the engagement did not state the maze would go. "We are investigating what happened and when," she said of Labour ward cllrs about the maze's removal.

Fellow ward Cllr Oliver Freeston, who joined Reform from the Conservatives, was also displeased by its sudden removal. "I'm absolutely disgusted because people used to use it. The lack of consultation and especially during the nesting season, it's so disappointing."

Both reported ward councillors were not aware of the maze's removal beforehand. A council spokesperson has said: "All elected members were informed of the decision to remove the maze six days prior to work starting.

"Information was distributed directly to all members via a press release letting them know of the forthcoming plans for Pier Gardens and Sea Road as part of the regeneration phase the area is currently undergoing."

Independents for North East Lincolnshire Group Cllr Paul Bright observed the significant negative reaction. "People are rightly asking questions about why this was done now in the run-up to the summer season and in the middle of bird nesting season. The consultation on Pier Gardens at The Knoll only concluded a couple of weeks ago and the designers were going to take away the public feedback and then finalise the designs to submit to cabinet in the summer, so why did the maze need to be removed now, when the final design is not even approved?

"The maze is one of the few free activities for children to enjoy in Cleethorpes and was popular. Decisions like this feed into the public perception of a council that makes decisions that impact people without informing them." He added of the anti-social behaviour (ASB) justification: "We should tackle the anti-social behaviour, not remove a popular free attraction."

Council statement

A press release on May 30 by the council stated the maze at Pier Gardens' southern end would be removed as part of enabling works for the area's future transformation. It had been the site of anti-social behaviour over the years. The council also stated the space would be used to boost the Armed Forces Event, on the last weekend in June.

The former Pier Gardens maze area, Cleethorpes, as it looked on late Friday afternoon
The former Pier Gardens maze area, Cleethorpes, as it looked on late Friday afternoon -Credit:Donna Clifford

The extensive statement issued since expands on this. Surveys undertaken in Pier Gardens ahead of the Levelling Up works identified several long-term maintenance and safety issues.

"These issues include removal of the maze, replacement of end-of-life flag poles, repair of steps and removal of some trees in poor health. We are currently in the later stages of completing all these pre-requisite works, which were deemed necessary to ensure the safety of the park users."

A trained ecologist had overseen the tree work and hedge removal. "The work has been timed based on the grounds maintenance team’s wider work program, to be completed before the busy summer season and Armed Forces Weekend, to safeguard the safety of park users during this summer."

The maze's privet bushes were checked for nests in the four days before its removal, the statement says. It states the maze's removal was covered in engagement events. "As work to remove the maze was pre-planned, during the public consultation on Pier Garden, the maze has been absent from all drawings and designs, and we have not received negative feedback on this aspect."

Closed - Sea Road, Cleethorpes, toilets. Grant Street's have reopened.
Closed - Sea Road, Cleethorpes, toilets. Grant Street's have reopened. -Credit:Donna Clifford

It says while the attraction was well-used, particularly for younger children, it "suffered significant and sustained ASB. This includes fires, damage to the board walks and regular evidence of drug use, including discarded drug paraphernalia."

"We have worked closely with Humberside Police around these issues, but they are difficult to prevent due to the open nature of the park and the lack of light in the maze in the evening makes CCTV of low value. Even with daily inspections and cleaning, it is really difficult for the team to spot and remove needles and other potentially dangerous items when they are hidden by vegetation and leaves."

The Armed Forces Team are paying for and installing a temporary stone chippings surface ahead of Armed Forces Day. It will be the location's look until Pier Gardens construction works begin. This is expected in 2025.

The spiral shaped conifer near Strikewing memorial has been felled at the same time, to make way for a Navy memorial. A dead tree near the bowling green has also gone.

Katy Elliot, who works for the Armed Forces Team opposite Pier Gardens, said the maze had seen anti-social behaviour, including drug taking
Katy Elliot, who works for the Armed Forces Team opposite Pier Gardens, said the maze had seen anti-social behaviour, including drug taking -Credit:Donna Clifford

Sea Road toilets have now closed, to fit utility contractor timescales to strip of asbestos, and demolish. They will be replaced by new public facilities at the Sea Road building. Grant Street toilets have reopened, and temporary toilet provision will also be in Pier Gardens this summer.

Public reaction

The maze's removal has been controversial. "My little grandson loved playing in the maze, he will be very upset it has gone," said one woman on We Love Cleethorpes Facebook group. "Totally disgraceful" said another.

Others are less upset. "I’m pleased it’s going, as it’s a target for vandals and antisocial behaviour," commented another woman. She had taken her four year old great niece through it, and there was dog foul and used condoms.

Armed Forces Team member Katy Elliot works opposite at The Knoll. It may have looked nice visually, she said, "until you saw what happened inside of it on a regular basis. It was used as a public toilet, people indecently exposing themselves, there's even been needles found in the morning. It's not really child-friendly anymore. I certainly wouldn't want my children going in there."

"At the minute, it looks very flat and open, and not the best," she said. "Hopefully, it will be something good that comes out of it."

There were 36 police reports in Pier Gardens, between April 2023 to March 2024, according to's crime map data. This included 11 incidents categorised as anti-social behaviour, and six public order.