Copenhagen Neighbors Stuck at Home Turn Courtyard Into Open-Air Cinema

Residents of an apartment block in Copenhagen, Denmark, came up with a convivial way to entertain themselves while stuck at home during the coronavirus pandemic: by projecting a movie onto their courtyard wall.

Copenhagen resident Theis Munksgaard-Hansen shared footage on Wednesday, March 18, of neighbors at his apartment block watching the 2007 animated movie Ratatouille as it’s projected onto a white wall of their apartment block courtyard.

According to Munksgaard-Hansen, residents also threw a small party in which they blasted music into the courtyard. He said people were hanging out of their windows, requesting songs, and drinking beers. They also held a quiz night, he said.

He said that after a discussion between residents in their Facebook group, they agreed to play a movie in the courtyard.

As of Thursday, Denmark had recorded 1,132 confirmed cases of COVID-19, and six deaths. Credit: Theis Munksgaard-Hansen via Storyful