Cornwall MP Derek Thomas turns handyman after vandals smash door in

Derek Thomas repairing the front door to his constituency office after it was smashed in by vandals
Derek Thomas repairing the front door to his constituency office after it was smashed in by vandals -Credit:Derek Thomas / Facebook

A Cornwall MP has been forced to turn handyman after vandals smashed the door of his office in. Derek Thomas, MP for St Ives and West Cornwall, filmed himself complete with saws, sheets of MDF and power tools after the glass front door of his Penzance constituency office was broken in.

In his video message to his constituents, Mr Thomas said it was ironic that vandals had chosen the day of the elections for the role of Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner to make their criminal point.

In a video message posted on his Facebook page, he accepted that people may have a different opinion or may not even like him or his politics but insisted that violence and criminal damage is not the way to express your difference of opinion and in the end it will be the tax payers will have to pick up the tab for the damage.

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Derek said: "Just as we are choose the next Police and Crime Commissioner, it's ironic that someone chooses to smash the front door to my office. But to be honest with you I've got the opportunity to mend it which means I get my tools out which is always great fun, but I have to say, I appreciate that people don't always like the way I do my job, or even that I am a Conservative, but smashing in my door doesn't really impact me a great deal other than maybe losing an evening with my family.

"But it does have an impact on my staff who ultimately come to work not for political reasons but because they really care about the people that come across our path, come through this door, who need help."

The MP, who will hope to be re-elected at the forthcoming general elections said that if the people responsible had tried to make some sort of political point by targeting his office, there were other ways to do so without costing the tax payers any cash.

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In his message, posted on Thursday May 2, he added: "It's not great for the police who have got plenty to do without worrying about this kind of vandalism in town and also it's not great for the tax payer who will end up paying for the repair, which I can tell you is not going to be cheap.

"We live in a democratic country, let's try to find other ways to make our views known and to get good solutions to the challenges I recognise everyone faces."

Mike Trevorrow took to Facebook to condemn the act, saying: "That is disgraceful and idiotic. I hope that CCTV cameras were recording this."

Joanna Wood added: "Very pleased to hear that neither you or any of your staff were hurt. So sad that people have to resort to such mindless behaviour." Mike Smith agreed: "Well said Derek. Just want such individuals to connect with your post and “make the change” that will benefit them and their community too

Others have however commented on Derek's post to say that while any type of violence is reprehensible, the politics of the various Conservative governments over the last 15 years were responsible for the rising anger in society.

Jeremy Cole commented: "Damage to property is a terrible sadness and you are right it causes unnecessary pressure on the police and the town community. It is not condonable. But you shouldn’t be surprised that members of the community that you have presided over are disenfranchised, hurting and feel that smashing your door, which is locked way more than it is open is the only way they feel able to express their hurt.

"You are the face of a government who have failed us all, destroyed jobs, opportunities, care, our children will never be able to buy a home here. You have voted to pour sewage in our waters. I wonder what your final legacy is going to be and whether that boarded up door is a poignant symbol of your time as our MP."

Steven Coyle agreed: "Maybe as a Conservative government, you do the things that were promised. I do not condone any actions like this, but I completely understand them and why someone might take their frustration out in this way."

The incident happened on the day voters were asked to elect a new police and crime commissioner. Alison Hernandez, the Conservative candidate, secured a third term as the police and crime commissioner for Devon and Cornwall, beating her rival candidates, Daniel Steel and Steve Lodge.