Coronation Street: Daisy makes a plea to Ryan

Episode 11,085 – 11,086 | Airs Monday 16 October 2023 at 20:00 on ITV1

Ryan meets Daniel and reveals he has got cold feet about giving a talk to the kids in the STC. Daniel is confident he'll get a lot out of it and persuades Ryan to go with him.

Daniel summons Daisy to the STC to help allay Ryan's fears. Ryan is grateful when Daisy offers to give the talk with him. How will it go?

Later, Daisy praises Ryan's performance at the STC and tells him it's proof he can show his scars and can stop resorting to anonymously stripping off for cash. Will Ryan agree?

Meanwhile, the shockwaves of last week's dramatic events continue to rock the cobbles.

Elsewhere, at No.11, Todd winds up George about Lee, his new very tall assistant who can't control his emotions, referring to him as "Lurch". George takes umbrage.

Also today, Ed apologises to Dee-Dee for being too distracted to take an interest in her new boyfriend and offers to take her and Joel for lunch to get to know him.

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