Coronation Street fans beg for 'break' for Gemma and Chesney as they suggest storyline amid latest woes

Gemma and Chesney in Coronation Street
-Credit: (Image: ITV)

Coronation Street fans have begged for Gemma Winter and Chesney Brown to catch a break as they their financial woes hit a new low. It was just last year that the pair tied the knot in one of Weatherfield's biggest weddings, with the bride sporting a huge orange dress decked out with fairy lights.

But the cash-strapped couple haven't ever been far from facing troubles, particularly when it comes to their children and their finances.

Since the wedding, viewers of the ITV soap have seen Joseph's grandmother Linda pay for him to go to private school but their finances are still proving difficult with Chesney discovering that his eldest son has made out he runs a successful catering empire to his new mate's posh mum.

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Prior to that, Dee Dee Bailey informed Gemma that her landlord could be fined for failing to carry out essential repairs to No.5’s boiler if she reported him. She set about sending him a strongly-worded text but when her landlord arrived with a plumber to fix the boiler, only to then serves them an eviction notice, leaving the couple, who have five children between them, heartbroken.

Then, during Monday night's (June 24) episode of Corrie, viewers watch as Gemma's day went from bad to worse as while daughter Carys was desperately in need of new shoes after the school phoned saying she was in tears with blisters, a £70 parking fine came through the post.

She then took Carys to the shoe shop to get her feet measured and while there, promised her daughter they'd find her some new shoes thanks to the sale the shop had on. However, the shop assistant told Gemma that the shoes available for Carys would be £45, leaving her gutted.

Gemma wasn't able to afford the shoes for her daughter -Credit:ITV
Gemma wasn't able to afford the shoes for her daughter -Credit:ITV

Making a spare-of-the-moment decision, while the assistant is distracted, Gemma grabbed Carys' hand and dashed out of the shop without paying. Once back at home, Gemma's mum Bernie Winter called around to see her daughter Gemma and noticed the fresh shoes on her granddaughter's feet.

Gemma wasn't able to lie and confessed to walking out of the shop without paying as she only had £20 to last her the week, and couldn't afford the shoes. But she eventually decided to do the right thing by returning the stolen shoes, but as she approached the shopkeeper, she lost her nerve and dropped her bag before fleeing.

But she was later given a shock when Joseph's mates went to leave, after one bragged about how his dad was going to be picking him up in a fancy new car, only for Gemma to open up the door to find that the boy's father was the shopkeeper she'd fled from earlier in the day.

Following the scenes, Corrie fans were left begging for some happiness for Gemma and Chesney while also suggesting a storyline they'd like to see for the couple.

@suenightingale60 said: "I feel sorry for Gemma & for Chesney & the poor kids let them have some good luck." @kilburn_boy commented: "Dear lord, let this family win the lottery. I can't take any more of this misery and heartache." @xxcharlir2xx echoed: "Wish they would give them a break!!! Let them have a small lotto win or something." @lizo50 added: "These two need a break…. Please give them one."