Coronation Street fans 'guess' Ellie's next move as the uncover character's 'on to' Joel Deering

Joel and Ellie in Coronation Street
-Credit: (Image: ITV)

Coronation Street fans think they have guessed Ellie's next move as she was discovered alive following a sudden disappearing act earlier this week. Her link to Joel Deering was revealed in the ITV soap as it was also confirmed the solicitor is behind the disappearance - and suspected murder - of Lauren Bolton.

Teenager Lauren was last seen on the cobbles on February 23 after being sacked from her job at Roy's Rolls by Roy Cropper. The café owner later visited her with her wages and some extra cash to tide her over and his kindness was later taken as evidence that he was to blame for Lauren's death

However, weeks later and after a number of episodes shown the same day from different characters' perspectives, Roy was rightfully released from prison and the truth was finally revealed - but only to those watching at home.

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The residents of Weatherfield are still none the wiser that Joel was Lauren's 'secret boyfriend' who had showered her with expensive gifts but also left her shockingly bruised.

They now think it was Nathan Curtis following the return of Bethany Platt's groomer as he was charged with Lauren's murder after newcomer Kit Green planted evidence in his van, after catching Sarah Barlow thinking about doing the same, and it was Joel who was the duty solicitor drafted in to support the former offender.

Later, after making a swift exit from Roy's homecoming, Joel was met by Hope Stape who handed him a necklace that she found in his car when cleaning it, which viewers recognised belonged to Lauren. Then, a flashback clip revealed him to be Lauren's secret 'boyfriend' and him brutally attacking her with a chair leg.

During Monday night's (June 3) Corrie, Dee-Dee was horrified to discover that Joel would be representing Nathan and when the news later came out in the cafe, a gutted Bethany made it clear that if Nathan got away with it, Joel would be just a guilty as he is if he attacks any other young girls.

Joel was revealed as being behind Lauren's disappearance -Credit:ITV
Joel was revealed as being behind Lauren's disappearance -Credit:ITV

But he was surprised to learn the PC Craig Tinker would be paying the aforementioned Ellie a visit. When he did, her flatmate said she'd done a bunk and all her stuff was gone but she had noticed something wasn't right about her in the days earlier. Soon after, viewers saw Joel emerge at the precinct where he was seen deleting Ellie's number from his phone, hinting that she'd met the same fate as Lauren.

However, on Wednesday night (June 5), Corrie revealed that Ellie was still very much alive. In a bad mood after his proposal to Dee-Dee Bailey was turned down, Joel found himself confronted by Ellie who demanded money from him. But he warned: "I told you I didn't want to see you again!" Ellie asked for £300 to which Joel told her to "go and earn it" before threatening: "Don't contact me again, out!"

Corrie fans now think that Ellie could end up risking her life by uncovering her next move. @RyanTheSoapking said: "I wonder if Ellie will expose Joel for not giving her the money? Surely Ellie knows about Lauren and is in on the plan. #Corrie." @StuartYoung001 commented: "Oh dear our dear friend Joel is being blackmailed. #Corrie." @tmoraitauthor added: "Don't tell him ya gonna blackmail him, Ellie, he'll kill ya #corrie."

Later in the mid-week episode, Dee-Dee was seen telling Joel she'd changed her mind after talking to her family and decided to accept his proposal and the pair headed to the Rovers to celebrate.

Fans say Bethany is 'on to' Joel -Credit:ITV
Fans say Bethany is 'on to' Joel -Credit:ITV

After Joel decided to offer Sarah legal advice off the record after she found herself caught up in the Nathan drama after plotting to frame him, she thanked him again before joining Bethany for a drink and telling him of his engagement news with Dee-Dee. While Sarah was left delighted for the duo, Bethany wasn't impressed as she admitted she had 'spider senses' about Joel before the episode ended with her looking at him suspiciously.

@NoniFlax101 said: "Bethany and her spidey senses are onto Joel. We need her to find Ellie too. #Corrie." @kylieskaty commented: "Bethany’s definitely suspicious about joel hope she finds out what he’s done #Corrie." @LeahXBarnes wrote: "Bethany doesn't trust joel!! yesss she's onto him. I just really really hope she treads carefully! she's taking a very huge risk #corrie."

@RyanTheSoapking echoed: "Bethany is starting to get her suspicions about Joel. She needs to be really careful. I hope Joel doesn't end up killing her. #Corrie." @EbonyWan quipped: "Bethany Platt aka Vera! #Corrie." @ilovelucyfallon posted: "Bethany’s new career should be a detective i’m serious, SHE JUST KNOWS #corrie." @UDjoking shared: "Go on, Bethany, trust your gut. Bring the creep down. #Corrie." @Juani983 added: "Bethany sees Joel. She knows. Clever girl. #Corrie."