Coronation Street fans spot Leanne Battersby blunder as they fear how she's being kept by 'the Institute'

Leanne Battersby in Coronation Street
-Credit: (Image: ITV)

Coronation Street fans were quick to point out a problem with Leanne Battersby latest reason for 'storming off' as they fear the reason she's being kept invested in 'the Institute'.

As fans of the ITV soap know, the long-standing character, played by Jane Danson, hasn't quite been herself ever since she became swept up with Rowan Cunliffe and 'The Institute' who she believes is helping her be the best version of herself and introducing ways to push out the negativity around her.

However, what she is really doing is pushing away her family, including her fiance Nick Tilsley and sister Toyah Habeeb, and she has also been heard parting with significant amounts of money for supplements, courses and retreats.

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Earlier this week, Corrie fans saw Leanne arrive home late from the retreat. But she was quickly brought back down to earth with a bang when Ken Barlow revealed that the reason he was at their flat was to say goodbye to Simon Barlow.

She was horrified to discover that he was leaving Weatherfield to join his dad working on a yacht and railed at her family for not telling her. However, Nick explained how her phone was off but he had told Rowan about Simon, but he failed to pass the message on. She soon stormed off and was later in tears when she waved Simon off, with Nick and Toyah still trying to support her.

But she again ran off in tears and back at the flat, viewers saw her speaking with a mystery person on her laptop. Those watching did not see or hear who it was as they did not respond to Leanne as she told them she felt alone and that she wished she could be with them.

Then, during Wednesday night's (June 5) visit to Weatherfield, Leanne was once again seen talking to her computer screen after being visited by Rowan. He explained how Toyah was causing the Institute some bother, showing her the negative posts she'd been writing about the Institute, leaving Leanne incensed.

Rown paid Leanne a visit at home -Credit:ITV
Rown paid Leanne a visit at home -Credit:ITV

In the bistro, Toyah received a hand-delivered letter. She’s shocked to discover that the Institute is suing her for defamation and taking out an injunction. Back at the flat, Rown was encouraging Leanne to open up about Simon and what was bothering her.

Later, Nick was seen trying to make Leanne see that Toyah is trying to protect her from a corrupt organisation run by a madman. Leanne refused to listen and as Nick headed out, she opened her laptop, smiled at the person on the screen and told them she loves them.

And Corrie fans are sure Leanne isn't talking to Rowan but instead to a photo of her son Oliver who tragically died in late 2020, and this is how they think she is being encouraged to stay within the Insitute. @SarahFallows82 said: "Leanne isn’t talking to that Rowan. It’ll be some sort of Oliver screen background #Corrie."

@_Dan82 commented: "So obvious Leanne is talking to Oliver and not that weirdo from the institute. #Corrie." @LibbyScott_ added: "I guess Leanne's grief for Oliver is why she has been so easily brainwashed and manipulated by a cult leader. That, and the fact that Corrie needed a reason to put Nick and Toyah together. #Corrie."

Meanwhile, some were distracted when Leanne stormed out for the umpteenth time this week and claimed she would be 'working from home'. Recognising her job at the Bistro, @suzicarrigan asked: "How can you work from home if you work in a bar and restaurant? Do customers come to your flat for a glass of wine? #Corrie."

@MoMo_2309 said: "Leanne works in a restaurant. She’s just stormed out saying she’s going to work from home. Does she have more tables at home? #Corrie." @UDjoking commented: "Work from home when you run a restaurant. Interesting. #Corrie." @ktlulu1985 added: "Leanne working from home.. how is she gonna serve drinks from there! #Corrie (Yes, I know paperwork)."