Coronation Street star Calum Lill confirms Joel's parents will arrive

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Coronation Street star Calum Lill has confirmed that his character Joel Deering's parents will make an appearance on the soap.

Show bosses have started to explore Joel's backstory, with next week's episodes revealing the big secret that he's keeping.

Calum has now spoken about how Joel's story will develop beyond this, with upcoming scenes featuring his mother and father.

Asked whether this will help viewers to understand Joel better, Calum told Digital Spy and other press: "Definitely. Joel is the middle child from a middle class family.

joel dee dee bailey coronation street

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"He's navigating that and trying to be good enough. I'm looking forward to seeing how that unfolds."

Next week's episodes see Joel come clean to his girlfriend Dee-Dee Bailey about why he has been spending time with a mystery woman.

Alya Nazir tips off Dee-Dee about spotting Joel in a car with newcomer Emily. Joel then tells Dee-Dee that Emily is his estranged wife – and the mother of his daughter Maisie.

Calum continued: "Joel is going through the divorce but legally she's not his ex-wife yet. His soon-to-be ex-wife Emily wants him to finalise the divorce.

joel, coronation street

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"Joel probably sees Dee-Dee as a bit too good for him. She's so intelligent and he sees her as so amazing, so he puts her on a bit of a pedestal and he thought: 'If I tell her too soon about my baggage, she won't look twice at me'.

"So I think he’s probably waited for the right time. The right time's not come, and the longer he's waited, the more he feels like he's deliberately deceived her and he's dug this huge hole.

"His intention is just to be someone worthy of her and I think he's just dug a huge hole for himself, as it doesn't look good."

Coronation Street airs the revelation of Joel's secret on Wednesday, February 21.

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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