Coronation Street's harrowing Amy story, Emmerdale devastation for Paddy, EastEnders news for Whitney and more soap spoilers

Note: The following article contains discussion of themes including rape and suicide.

Soap spoilers follow.

Every Sunday Digital Spy picks out the biggest storylines hitting your screens in the week ahead.

1. Coronation Street: Aaron rapes Amy

(Friday at 8pm on ITV1)

aaron sandford, amy barlow, coronation street

Dark scenes air in Coronation Street this week as Aaron betrays Summer by kissing Amy, and their passionate clinch takes a sinister turn.

Summer is heartbroken to discover her boyfriend has been having late night chats with his ex, Mia, and turns to Amy for comfort. Tracy's daughter is less than sympathetic, branding her needy and insecure, which makes Summer bite back with a jibe about Jacob.

Aaron finds Amy upset after the row and persuades her to join him for drinks in the Bistro to celebrate his promotion. There's sexual tension in the air as the pair get ready to go out and it's not long before they find themselves kissing.

Wracked with guilt, Amy pulls away, and as they arrive at the bar, she struggles watching Summer and Aaron together. Hurt, Amy heads home early, and Aaron's not far behind as he decides to call it a night after sniping with Summer.

Back at the flat, Amy and Aaron play drinking games, polishing off every drop of booze they can lay their hands on. Feeling unwell, Amy falls into bed, only for Aaron to climb in next to her.

As he starts kissing her, events take a horrifying turn and Amy is oblivious as Aaron takes advantage of her in the most appalling way.

2. Emmerdale: Paddy suicide fears

(Thursday at 7.30pm on ITV1)

paddy kirk, emmerdale

Paddy's loved ones have been beside themselves with worry since his sudden disappearance, but the mystery of his whereabouts is solved this week when the dishevelled vet walks back into the village.

Although annoyed with him for going AWOL, Marlon is relieved to have his best mate home. Chas's initial hostility towards Paddy also softens as he shares an emotional reunion with Eve and she clocks the hurt and sadness in his eyes.

However, despite putting on a brave face, Paddy's happy façade soon crumbles and it's clear he's a broken man. He goes about his day making amends with family and friends, but they don't realise that he is saying his veiled goodbyes and writes a heartbreaking final letter to Bear.

Later, with Paddy having gone, Bear discovers the letter and realises to his horror what his son is planning. He alerts Marlon, who rallies the locals to start searching for Paddy.

3. EastEnders: Heartbreak for Whitney and Zack

(Monday at 7.30pm and 8pm on BBC One)

whitney dean, zack hudson, eastenders

Zack tries to remain optimistic as he and Whitney head to the hospital to hear the results of their CVS test. But tragically, the pair's fears are confirmed when they're told their unborn baby has been diagnosed with the genetic condition Edwards' Syndrome.

Zack struggles to deal with the tot's severe prognosis and can't face joining Whitney as she heads back to the hospital. But after some words of encouragement from Sharon, he finds the strength to be by Whit's side.

Meanwhile, the devastating turn of events leads Whitney to reject all offers of support from her loved ones. Urged on by Eve, Zack pops over to Number 1 and gives grieving Whitney a shoulder to cry on, reassuring her she's not to blame for their baby's diagnosis.

4. Hollyoaks: Leah and Charlie face the music

(Tuesday at 7pm on E4 and Wednesday at 6.30pm on Channel 4)

elamay demircan as leah barnes in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

As the investigation into Vicky's spiking continues, a secret tip-off gives Sam and Zoe the evidence they need to haul Charlie and Leah to the station for questioning.

Shocked by the turn of events, the teens' parents turn on one another by pointing the finger of blame, but Scott stuns them all by revealing he was the one who called the cops.

Darren and Nancy desperately fight to defend Charlie, but end up making matters worse for the lad when they accidentally reveal what he told them.

Back at school, the atmosphere is tense as DeMarcus discovers Leah and Charlie were to blame for Vicky's near fatal overdose. And a slip of the tongue from Leah only adds to Felix's son's distress.

5. Emmerdale: Cain fights for Kyle

(Friday at 7.30pm on ITV1)

cain dingle, kyle , emmerdale

As Kyle's hearing looms, terrified Amy is battling to stay strong for her son. Cain is also feeling scared, and barges into Keepers to see Kyle, leaving Amy fuming at his intrusion.

Caleb is adamant that father and son need to spend time together, and realising he's right, Amy relents. Later, Kyle's solicitor rings with big news for the family – but will it be what they want to hear?

In an impulsive move, Amy pops the question to Matty, but Moira is horrified when her son admits he fears Amy's proposal is just part of her plan to gain full custody of Kyle.

Moira wastes no time in sharing the news with Cain, who's livid and storms straight round to Amy's to let her know she has got a fight on her hands.

6. Coronation Street: Stephen accidentally drugs himself

(Monday at 8pm on ITV1)

stephen reid, coronation street

Stephen's evil plan to oust Carla is gathering pace as he holds a meeting with the shareholders and declares they should hold a vote of no confidence against her. But his scheming backfires when Faye tips Carla off and she rages at him for trying to push her out of the business.

The following day, while Carla is preparing for the Nippersnapper presentation, Stephen laces her tea with LSD, but accidentally ends up drinking the beverage himself.

Arriving at the hotel, Stephen takes to the stage but starts experiencing blurred vision and profuse sweating. Realising his error, he leaves Sarah to carry on without him, which prompts Carla to stop his involvement with the American deal.

Seething, Stephen heads out to buy more drugs, and an encounter with two lads makes the cobbles killer see red.

7. EastEnders: Suki and Eve are rumbled

(Friday at 7.30pm on BBC One)

eve unwin, suki kaur panesar, eastenders

Suki is alarmed when Nish reveals the date of their marriage blessing ceremony has been brought forward and insists it's too short notice. Her husband won't hear of it, however, and pushes forward with re-arranging the event.

Trouble is brewing when Suki calls on Mitch's services to help fix a broken tap, and Nish watches on in a jealous rage as the handyman leaves Number 41.

Nish's paranoia grows when Mitch reveals he was hired by Suki to help with their tenants, and he makes an ominous call to Ravi.

Later, at Walford East, Suki overhears Nish and Ravi discussing Mitch and she nervously assures her husband he's the only man for her.

Meanwhile, Eve is determined to win Suki back and confronts her lover, but their quarrel is interrupted by the sound of a door slamming. Realising they've been overheard, the ladies are thrown into panic as they fear the eavesdropper will out their affair.

8. Hollyoaks: Goldie's up to her old tricks

(Wednesday at 7pm on E4 and Thursday at 6.30pm on Channel 4)

goldie mcqueen in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Sally is gutted to learn from the school governor that she's out of a job. Her sacking means money is even tighter in the McQueen household and with their rent due, Sally insists she's going to fight for her role back.

Goldie isn't convinced Sally's plan will work and decides to stage a protest in the school playground with Hunter and Mercedes. But will it do more harm than good?

Strapped for cash, the family brainstorm new ways to make a quick buck, and Goldie digs out an old relic to help with her money-making idea.

Goldie's schemes appear to be paying off as she sets up a pop-up shop in the village. But when Prince flogs their goods to the wrong person, mother and son are forced to take quick action to retrieve them.

9. Home and Away: Felicity and Eden are in serious danger

(Friday at 1.45pm on Channel 5)

eden fowler and felicity newman in home and away
Channel 5

As night falls on the eve of Tane and Felicity's wedding day, there's danger lurking in the shadows when Lloyd, a member of the biker gang, returns to the Bay.

Having discovered Cash will be driving his sister to the ceremony, Lloyd vandalises the wedding car in an act of revenge for Marty's death.

Morning arrives, and Felicity is having doubts about whether to go through with marrying Tane. After begging Cash to call the whole thing off, Felicity barricades herself in a bedroom and refuses to come out.

Time is ticking on, so Cash and Gary leave it to Eden to try and talk Felicity round and they head off to the ceremony in another car.

While an anxious Tane stands at the altar awaiting the arrival of his bride, back at the Parata house, Felicity has a sudden change of heart and tells Eden she wants to get hitched after all.

The excited pair climb into the decorated wedding ute and drive away, unaware the vehicle is leaking brake fluid from the biker gang's secret sabotage. Is tragedy about to strike?

Read more Coronation Street spoilers on our dedicated homepage

If you've been affected by the issues raised in this story, you can access more information from Rape Crisis England and Wales, who work towards the elimination of all forms of sexual violence and sexual misconduct, on their website or by calling the National Rape Crisis Helpline on 0808 802 9999. Rape Crisis Scotland's helpline number is 08088 01 03 02.

Readers in the US are encouraged to contact RAINN, or the National Sexual Assault Hotline on 800-656-4673.

We encourage anyone who identifies with the topics raised in this article to reach out. Information about how to access support is available via the NHS, and organisations who can offer help include Samaritans on 116 123 or Mind on 0300 123 3393.

Readers in the US are encouraged to visit or the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

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