Coronation Street's Linda called out for favouritism in Joseph story

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Coronation Street's Linda Hancock is accused of favouritism towards her grandson Joseph Brown in Friday's episode (March 15).

Linda gets called out amid her ongoing mission to have Joseph enrolled in private school Oakhill.

Earlier this week, Linda paid a return visit to Weatherfield and became worried over Joseph falling behind on his schoolwork after his recent health scare.

Linda offered to pay for Joseph to start attending Oakhill so he could catch up more quickly, but the schoolboy's stepmum Gemma didn't appreciate her interference.

gemma, bernie winter, linda hancock , coronation street

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In Friday's episode, Gemma stuffs the Oakhill prospectus away in a drawer as she once again makes it clear that Joseph won't be going.

Later in The Rovers, Linda's daughter Izzy Armstrong questions why she doesn't lavish her other grandson Jake Windass with attention in the same way she does with Joseph.

Gemma piles on the accusations of favouritism as she points out that Linda doesn't seem interested in the quads either.

Later, Gemma's brother Paul Foreman and Dee-Dee Bailey both suggest that Oakhill could be a good opportunity for Joseph.

linda, coronation street

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They argue that Joseph shouldn't miss out just because Gemma doesn't get along with Linda, but will she take this on board?

Speaking last year about the long-term future of the Joseph story, Coronation Street's executive producer Iain MacLeod said: "I suppose the tease that I might give you is that we are taking the very original story played with Ken Barlow as our inspiration. So, our inspiration from this dates right back to 1960, in terms of what happens next and it's all catalysed by Linda's arrival.

"I'd rather not say too much more. But I suppose the foundational dynamic in the Barlow family when we first met them was that Ken was one thing and his family was subtly something else. It's basically taking its inspiration from that kind of foundational dynamic in the Barlow household."

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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