Coronation Street's Toyah Battersby to be arrested in baby story

Coronation Street spoilers follow.

Note: This article discusses topics including rape and baby loss.

Coronation Street's Toyah Battersby is arrested next week as her traumatic past is used against her in shocking scenes.

Toyah is stunned when new detective Kit Green orders her to the police station amid her ongoing feud with Rowan Cunliffe.

Recent episodes have seen Toyah grow concerned for her sister Leanne, who's being drawn in by Rowan and his Institute cult.

Next week, Bethany Platt offers Toyah some potentially useful information, letting her know about a journalist colleague who once tried to write an exposé about The Institute.

toyah battersby, rowan, coronation street

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Bethany explains that her friend was met by a wall of silence when she tried to ask probing questions about the group's activities.

Later, Rowan calls at the flat to catch up with Leanne, and she warmly greets him with a hug.

Rowan shows Leanne that Toyah has written some negative online posts about The Institute. Leanne is furious that her sister won't let this go.

Toyah soon faces intimidation tactics as she receives a hand-delivered letter at the Bistro, informing her that The Institute is suing her for defamation. The group is also taking out an injunction to prevent Toyah from making further claims.

toyah battersby, nick tilsley, coronation street

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Leanne shows no sympathy, but her partner Nick Tilsley is concerned by her hardline stance, pointing out that Toyah is merely trying to protect her from an organisation that is clearly corrupt.

After dismissing Nick's claims, Leanne opens her laptop, smiles at someone on the screen and tells them that she loves them – but who is it?

Later in the week, Toyah overhears Leanne having another chat via the laptop, once again telling her unknown contact that she loves them.

Toyah speculates that Leanne's connection to Rowan has taken a romantic turn, but she firmly denies that.

toyah battersby, coronation street

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Toyah tells Nick what she overheard, and they head back home to confront Leanne. This time, they find her holding hands with Rowan on the sofa, but will she have an explanation for this intimate moment?

In another desperate plea, Toyah urges Leanne to see Rowan for the manipulative con artist he really is.

Their row is interrupted when Kit turns up to arrest Toyah for murder, as the body of a baby has been found buried in the park.

leanne battersby, toyah battersby, coronation street
leanne battersby, toyah battersby, coronation street

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Toyah recently confided in Nick and Leanne about how she gave birth to a stillborn child at the age of 19 after Phil Simmonds raped her. She secretly buried the baby in the park and kept quiet about the trauma she'd suffered for years afterwards.

With the police now involved, who has exploited Toyah's tragic past by using it to make a false allegation?

Coronation Street airs these scenes on Wednesday, June 5, and Friday, June 7.

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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Organisations including Sands and Tommy's are able to offer help and support to anyone affected by baby loss.

If you've been affected by the issues raised in this story, you can access more information from Rape Crisis England and Wales, who work towards the elimination of all forms of sexual violence and sexual misconduct, on their website or by calling the National Rape Crisis Helpline on 0808 802 9999. Rape Crisis Scotland's helpline number is 08088 01 03 02.

Readers in the US are encouraged to contact RAINN, or the National Sexual Assault Hotline on 800-656-4673.

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