Corrections and clarifications

• An article referred to Pompeii being buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD74; this should have said AD79 (Unveiled: Pompeii home of ex-slaves who loved erotic art, 11 January, p21).

• We said the song Without You was “by” Harry Nilsson. Though Nilsson’s version may be the best known, the song was in fact written and first recorded by the British band Badfinger (Ranked! Randy Newman songs, 6 January, G2, p2).

• Other recently amended articles include:

Sexual orientation census undercounts older people and those who shun labels

TS Eliot prize winner Anthony Joseph: how poetry helped me love my absent father

Turn Every Page: a peek into Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb’s long creative relationship

World’s oldest known person, French nun Lucile Randon, dies at 118

MP who received donation from landowner refuses to criticise Dartmoor camping decision

Where to go on holiday this year: 23 great travel ideas for 2023

Return of the prodigal son: can Eddie Jones unleash Wallabies’ missing X factor?

South Australian Greens back yes vote on voice amid Lidia Thorpe criticism of referendum

Beans in toast: UK should switch to broad bean bread, say researchers

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