Corrections and clarifications

• In order to reduce the UK’s current account deficit to zero, service exports would need to increase by £90bn, not £120bn as an editorial said (Broken Britain won’t be fixed by austerity …, 5 December, Journal, p2).

• A picture of autumn trees that accompanied an article (Time spent in nature in 2020 saved the NHS £356 a head, figures show, 28 November, p18) was wrongly credited to Guy Corbishley/Alamy; it was taken by David Levene.

• Other recently amended articles include:

‘Whatever it takes’: Liz Cheney mulls third-party run to block Trump victory

Despite decades of promises, health research still overlooks women

‘We haven’t looked back’: home schooling in Australia experiences post-lockdown boom

Lord Darling of Roulanish obituary

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