Council in talks to ban vehicles outside Stoke-on-Trent schools

New rules are being considered to ban vehicles from outside schools - in a crackdown on rule-breaking drivers. Stoke-on-Trent City Council is holding talks over the introduction of School Streets.

It would see vehicles banned from school entrances during the morning and afternoon school runs. Cameras would be installed to catch drivers defying the rules.

One of the schools in line to become a School Street is Grove Academy, in Northwood. Its school-run traffic situation is so bad that the issue was raised at the latest meeting of Northwood Residents' Association and teachers are taking pictures of badly-parked vehicles.

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The 391-pupil school does not have its own car park - with parents having to park on residential streets.

A Grove Academy spokesman said: “Grove Academy has been working with the city council for a number of years to explore ways of making the local streets safer for our community. The school has tried a number of measures but the problem of dangerous parking has remained.

The crash outside Northwood Academy -Credit:Unknown
The crash outside Northwood Academy -Credit:Unknown

“The streets surrounding Grove Academy are very congested at drop-off and collection times, causing real hazards for anyone crossing the roads. Some cars have mounted the pavements, causing further danger.

“The local community, including pupils and parents, are also very concerned about the risks posed by the high volume of traffic and inconsiderate parking. Grove Academy has been relentless in pursuing updates from the city council. The council's civil enforcement team will continue to schedule patrols at the school and they will take enforcement action against vehicles parked on the restrictions.

Grove Academy in Northwood -Credit:stokesentinel
Grove Academy in Northwood -Credit:stokesentinel

“The city council is working with the school to look at alternative solutions, including park and stride, general promotion of active travel, and the introduction of camera-enforced School Streets at the school at the start and end of the school day to reduce the number of cars and make it safer for pedestrians and cyclists. There will be opportunity to consult and share views on any proposed schemes."

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