Council 'won't pay' for eviction-hit tenant and assistance dog to live in hotel

An eviction-hit tenant and his assistance dog are facing an uncertain future - after being told they cannot be put up in a taxpayer-funded hotel room. Trevor Simpson was served with a no-fault eviction to get out of his Bucknall home last October - with the deadline running out this week.

But the 39-year-old has accused Stoke-on-Trent City Council of not helping him. He receives a personal independence payment, has reduced mobility, and needs assistance for dressing and bathing.

Trevor said: “All the council has done from the start is ask me for my letters from the GP and medication. I gave them all of it. Last week they asked me again, I said I’ve given all of this to you. They should have been doing something when I got the order of possession. Instead they told me to sit tight and wait until the bailiffs turn up. I've said to the council, I don’t care where I'm put, as long as it’s safe. I’m not being picky on the area.”

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Trevor cannot access the private rental market because he does not have a guarantor. Assistance dog Lucy means they cannot be put up in a taxpayer-funded hotel.

He added: “They’ve waited until now to say the hotels and housing providers won’t accept any dogs. Nowhere is allowed to refuse an assistance dog. I don’t have any money to put her into kennels. My DWP paperwork says I need an assistance dog. They’re not going to help or support me.”

Stoke-on-Trent City Council says it is supporting Trevor.

Councillor Chris Robinson, cabinet member for housing, said: “We are assisting Mr Simpson under the Homeless Reduction Act 2017. We have provided advice, support and information on the housing options available and have made referrals to other housing providers. Mr Simpson also has an active application on the city council’s housing register.”

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