Who is Count Binface? Rishi Sunak's General Election rival promising 'free ice creams'

Count Binface is vying for a seat in the General Election 2024 - and promising free ice creams in his manifesto. The MP candidate is taking to the polls and trying to wrest the stranglehold of the Conservative Party and Labour Party.

The viral political star – formerly known as Lord Buckethead –is standing in the General Election just two months after his bid in the race for the London Mayor. Count Binface hopes to unseat Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in his North Yorkshire constituency.

Key points on his manifesto include limiting the price of a 99 ice cream to 99p, and former prime ministers will be expected to take part in the national service Mr Sunak wants to introduce. “I promise at least one affordable house, which is more than the other parties can muster between them”, he says.

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Count Binface will be on the ballot paper for those living in Richmond and Northallerton. The man behind the mask is Jon Harvey, a comedian and writer and describes himself as an "intergalactic space warrior who stood against Theresa May in 2017 and went viral (in a non-Covid way)."

He writes on his website: "In 2018 I had an unfortunate battle on the planet Copyright. An elderly American human film producer took my Twitter account off me after I got famous. So I had an upgrade and took on Boris Johnson in the 2019 election in my new and improved form, Count Binface.

"I’m still your friendly neighbourhood space warrior campaigning for justice, lasers, Lovejoy and the return of Ceefax." In the 2019 general election, Count Binface got 69 votes. He came ninth in the 2021 elections with 24,775 first-choice votes.

He said at the time: "his is a new record for an alien standing for public office on planet Earth."