Countdown to popular family fun day

Weldmar Fun Day. Inset. Caroline Lampard <i>(Image: Caroline Lampard)</i>
Weldmar Fun Day. Inset. Caroline Lampard (Image: Caroline Lampard)

A big day of family fun is returning to Dorset.

The Family Fun Day is set to take place at Weymouth Rugby Club, Monmouth Avenue, on Sunday, July 14 from midday-7pm.

The event is organised by Caroline Lampard on behalf of Weldmar Hospicecare, a charity for which she has been fundraising for years.

Weldmar Hospicecare is a Dorset charity providing free specialist end of life care for adults with a life limiting illness, and support for their loved ones in the community, at home, and in the hospice.

Caroline said: “I have my own home help business which means I have done a lot of end-of-life care which made me realise how truly amazing Weldmar are, and they need a lot of support to keep going.

“It all came about because I was doing a fundraising walk of the Sahara Desert and rather than just asking people to sponsor me, I decided to do some fundraising events and because of the success of the first year, the rugby club asked me to come back the following year.”

This years Family Fun Day plenty of entertainment on offer including a funfair, lots of sports day events like a three-legged race and an egg and spoon race, as well as a raffle and tombola.

Portland Alpacas will be there, there will also be there, and kids and adults alike will be able to walk one of the fluffy animals.

There will also be live music from local duos Fleur and Toby and Milk & Two.

Last year’s event was a huge success despite the wet weather as the day managed to raise an impressive £1,000 with Caroline saying: ““I didn’t expect it to be as big as it was.”

READ MORE: Family Fun Day at Weymouth Rugby Club in aid of Weldmar

She added: “At the moment we have around thirty stalls and it should be a very busy day - It’s such a good family event and you can raise money for Weldmar at the same time – It’s like a mini festival.

As an avid fundraiser for the charity, Caroline is ‘always up for a challenge’ and has also done a Madagascar trek.

Entry to the event is free and for more information, visit: