Revealed: The Best Country In The World For Growing Old


It seems the country of useful knives, expensive watches and triangular-shaped chocolate is best place to grow old, a new study has found, Yes dear old Switzerland.

96 countries were rated how well they support senior citizens’ wellbeing an autonomy with North American and Western Europe dominating the top ten.

Now don’t you worry, we Brits made the top ten… at number ten.

Professor Asghar Zaidi, from the University of Southampton’s Centre for Research on Ageing, who compiled this list with HelpAge said: ‘This Index is vital in representing the lives of older people in countries around the world as it enables us to compare not just their pension income and health but also the age friendly environments in which they live.

‘The Index has also shown that a number of countries still lack vital statistics of older people and we would like to see them feature in the report in the future.’


The entire world ranked (Picture: GlobalAgeWatch Index)

Here is the top 10 countries to grow old and play chequers:

  1. Switzerland

  2. Norway

  3. Sweden

  4. Germany

  5. Canada

  6. Netherlands

  7. Iceland

  8. Japan

  9. United States

  10. United Kingdom

Just in case you were wondering - Here are the worst countries to grow old in, not particularly surprising:

  1. Afghanistan

  2. Malawi

  3. Mozambique

  4. West Bank and Gaza

  5. Pakistan

  6. Tanzania

  7. Zambia

  8. Rwanda

  9. Uganda

  10. Iraq

So where are you now considering to retire? Rwanda or Norway…which shall it be?