Couple who got engaged 3 hours after they met have last laugh on doubters

A couple who got engaged just three hours after they first met have shared their love story, proving all naysayers wrong by celebrating 57 years of a successful marriage.

Jackie Adams, 73, initially crossed paths with her future hubby Richard, 78, at her best friend's parents' party nearly six decades ago. Eyes were locked when Richard invited Jackie for a dance and sparks flew instantly.

Richard, now a retired businessman, was smitten and decided to propose to Jackie on her doorstep just three hours later while walking her home. Jackie graciously accepted his a unexpected proposal few weeks later, undeterred by the negativity from their family who thought their impulsive decision would "never last".


But here they are, having celebrated their 57th anniversary with four kids; Mandy, 56, Nicholas, 53, Teresa, 50, and Rachel, 45. The couple confess they remain "inseparable".

Jackie, who dedicated herself as a homemaker, recollected: "We'd never spoken before, but on this particular night, he walked me home, kissed me goodnight and asked me to marry him. I laughed at first and said 'I don't really know you'.

"After a while I said 'yeah OK'. It was just a feeling when I first saw him."

"Our families told us it would never last, but look at us."

Richard added: "She was, and still is, so beautiful and I felt my heart beat out my chest. It was a crazy thing to do, propose hours after I'd met her, but I knew she was the one.

"It was definitely love at first sight."

Jackie had previously seen Richard riding around on his motorbike and thought he was handsome. She said: "I really liked him."

"Richard used to hang around with my best friend's brother so I'd always see him on his bike and always thought he was handsome."

She was excited to meet him when she went to her friend's parents' wedding anniversary in December 1966. Jackie said: "He came over and asked me to dance."

Richard knew that she was "the one" and offered to walk her home. He said: "I walked her to the door. Then I asked her to marry me and I had only just met her."

Jackie accepted and the pair started to court - going on long walks, to the cinema and met each others family. Jackie said: "Both our parents said it wouldn't last.

"They said we'll give you six months. But neither of us had ever felt a connection so strongly."

The couple tied the knot in May 1967 and welcomed their first daughter, Mandy, 56, in November of the same year. The went on to welcome - Nicholas, 53, Teresa, 50, and Rachel, 45 - and now have seven grandchildren.

Richard said: "We're with each other 24 hours a day." The couple have also had to battle a few health scares - Jackie survived breast cancer aged 44 and John has suffered four heart attacks.

Jackie said: "We've been stuck like glue since the day we met - we even joined a bowling club together. I battled breast cancer, and Richard has had four attacks and I don't think we'd be here today without each other's strength.

"He's the most amazing husband, and wonderful father, and I wouldn't of done anything differently."

These days the couple take their static caravan for weekly trips to Walton-on-The-Naze and love to go on walks together when ever they can. Richard said: "It's just gone so quickly.

"I remember getting married as if it was yesterday. We just share everything."

Jackie shares her advice for a long and happy marriage. She said: "Your heart will tell you when it's right.

"You've got to learn to give and take. Everybody has little niggles. You've got to make up before you go to bed.

"Don't be too shy to say sorry. Our parents told us we were being silly, but look at us now - stronger than ever, 57 years later.

"My advice for a long and happy marriage is to always be there for each other."