Couple who visited oatcake shop as kids take over business - and it's secret recipe

Adam & Clare Capper have taken over at Mellors Oatcakes in Clayton
Adam & Clare Capper have taken over at Mellors Oatcakes in Clayton -Credit:Pete Stonier

A couple who used to visit an oatcake shop as children are now running the business themselves. Clare and Adam Capper, who have been together for nearly 20 years, have never worked in the food industry.

But they have decided to take over Mellors Oatcakes in Clayton to continue its long tradition of serving North Staffordshire's most popular dish.

Clare, 45, had worked in the Post Office in the Cambridge Drive precinct, and visited Mellors Oatcakes most days. Meanwhile, Adam, 39, was a landscaper before they bought the shop - along with its famous recipe.

Ahead of today's relaunch, the shop has had a fresh lick of paint and work is ongoing to expand the menu to introduce jacket potatoes, hot dogs, and other delicious meals. They will also be offering loyalty cards, which is great news for the many regulars who are sticking with the reliable oatcakes and pikelets.

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Clare said: “Phil [Plant, one of the former owners] is showing us the ropes and running things behind the scenes as we’d be stuffed without him. He’s staying with us for the first couple of weeks whilst we get used to things.

“Phil’s family had it for 24 years, so it’s gone from one family-run business to another. Our kids will be in here on weekends, and our eldest is 17 and will be helping us out.

“For me personally, half the battle is getting to know your customers, and we already know half of them anyway because of already working here [in the precinct]. I’ve always used this row of shops and we all know each other, so it’s nice."

Adam & Clare Capper have taken over at Mellors Oatcakes in Clayton
Adam & Clare Capper have taken over at Mellors Oatcakes in Clayton -Credit:Pete Stonier

Adam added: “I’ve been coming in here since I was a kid for my breakfast, so I know the recipe is really nice. We’ve even had our MP Aaron Bell in this morning. We’ve been together for 19 years and married for 10, so it’s nice that we’re keeping it a family business.”

Mellors Oatcakes is open from Wednesday to Sunday, but opening hours will be changing in the next couple of weeks. Some of the items on the menu includes:

  • Oatcakes, with cheese, tomato, beans, mushrooms, onion, egg, black pudding, sausage or bacon

  • Plain and fruit pikelets

  • An all-day breakfast including two bacon rashers, two sausages, egg, beans, tomato, mushrooms and two oatcakes for £5.70

  • American pancakes with bacon and maple syrup

  • Cheese on toast

  • Bacon or sausage sandwiches with extra fillings available

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