'Any course in the world' golf simulator plans for Leicestershire

'Any course in the world' golf simulator plans
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

A new golf simulator is planned for the county where visitors will be able to play "any course in the world, come rain or shine" with monthly memberships and turn up and play options suggested as being available.

Applicant Stoughton Farm Park on Gartree Road in Oadby has put forward plans to Oadby and Wigston Borough Council to reduce the size of its farm shop and install the new facility in the space created.

The wider operation includes the Cow and Plough Pub, the farm park, gin distillery and a ‘glamping’ site, where events are held such as the booze and blues festival. The site also houses a pottery studio, hairdressers, play village alongside the farm park.

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The proposal includes five golf simulator units. Six additional staff would be taken on as part of the new arrangement, if approved. Jobs would be retained within the farm shop. Access and the 91-space parking arrangements would remain unchanged, as would the scale and design of the site from the outside.

A spokesman for operator Steamin' Billy, said research suggested there was a strong demand for the facility and people would be able to come and play any course in the world, come rain or shine.

Plans noted the internal layout would need to be altered to house the facility, however the function of the shop would remain unchanged. The application was required as the farm shop area was restricted to its current use, "for the sale and display of the range of food and for no other purpose" and plans sought to change this.

Stoughton Grange apply for golf simulator in place of part of farm shop
Stoughton Grange apply for golf simulator in place of part of farm shop -Credit:Steamin' Billy

Given the site’s previous use as a golf workshop, as well as the site’s character as an area with the urban development on the one side and rural countryside on the other, a golf simulator was seen as a viable and relevant proposal, plans state.

Plans note that users of golf simulators often attended in small groups, and as only one person may be in a simulator at any one time, this would give other users time to browse the shops goods, access refreshments and use the existing shop seating area. The aim of the layout was hoped to improve the customer experience, and increase sales of local goods sold in the shop, they added.

A spokesman for operator Steamin' Billy said: "We are planning for a golf simulator, we think that's in keeping and fitting with the site. We've got a pottery studio here which is popular, play village, hairdressers, some offices and the farm park.

"You will be able to come and play any course in the world, come rain or shine and we are thinking about monthly memberships as well as just turn up and play.

"We cut back the farm shop at Easter because it was far too big, so the farm shop is now 25 per cent of the size it was, we have still got the same variety of stock just less of it. The gin distillery is still there, that's going nicely.

"I think it fits in with the leisure activities that we're doing. We've just had a booze and blues festival, we've got midsummer nights dream outdoor theatre performing in July.

"Research suggests there's strong demand for it. If we get the planning in July, we are hoping to open in September.

A decision on the application is expected on Friday, July 26.