Coventry City transfer saga dominates amid deafening silence from Sky Blues

Transfers continue to dominate Coventry City fans’ thoughts, in particular the on-going saga of Marko Stamenic’s reported move to the CBS Arena or a fee of €5m (£4.2m).

That’s been claimed by a handful of Serbian outlets, one of which has even quoted a coach from Red Star Belgrade, the club where the 22-year-old midfielder is said to be coming from. The Sky Blues, meanwhile, continue to be quiet on the matter, refusing to confirm or deny a deal has been done for the New Zealand international.

Elsewhere, supporters are desperate for news on other signings, when City will be releasing next season’s new kits and how season ticket sales are going. Here, Sky Blues reporter Andy Turner answers some of the big questions of the week, starting with one having a pop.

READ MORE: Red Star coach insists Marko Stamenic 'totally prepared' for Coventry City transfer

READ MORE: Coventry City and Luis Binks' transfer stance as club continues search for competition at the back

Our own sports journalists are so far behind (on the reported Marko Stamenic deal) it’s unbelievable.

AT: It’s not easy when the reported buying club are saying absolutely nothing. Doug King is clearly trying to keep things quiet on transfer news and speculation until the club announce things, which is fine, but these things always get out, often at the other end, as has been the case in this instance. We can therefore only go one what is being reported by the Serbian press at the moment.

As each day passes, I get more and more convinced this is a done and dusted deal. Just waiting on the club to announce it. Club waiting for Friday when the window officially opens, perhaps? I guess we will wait and see.

AT: They announced Raphael Borges Rodrigues the other week so waiting for the window to officially open doesn’t make sense.

Maybe it’s not a done deal. Maybe it’s in principle, subject to certain conditions. Maybe it’s a logistics thing with legals and paperwork. One thing I know, City always co-ordinate press announcements with the buying or selling clubs.

As it stands and assuming we’re signing Marko and COH has left, I make it we’re 1 player short of where we started last season (not taking home grown youth players into account). How many additional players do you think we need on top of other potential outgoings?

AT: I reckon three or four at least, depending on whether others go. They need another CB, GK if Wilson goes, striker if Godden goes and playmaker to replace COH for starters. And a RB to compete with Milan, perhaps.

Given Stamenic seems to have a good long range passing ability do you think he was brought in with this in mind - we have really missed being able to switch play from left to right since we lost Hamer - so a bit more of a Hamer replacement - although no way like for like.

AT: As with all players, I’d imagine they looked at the whole package rather than just one aspect of a prospective player’s game. A long and accurate pass would always be a bonus but any players brought in will need to have several attributes for their given position.

Any news on kits being released?

AT: It’s a similar situation to last week in that the club are still working on the sponsorship deal before they can release the new kits. But I am told they are hopeful of doing it ASAP, and certainly before the opening pre-season matches.

Do you know if he needs a work permit? I think there was an issue last year with a centre back where everything was agreed but he didn’t have enough points for a work permit to be granted, could this be the case with Marko?

AT: He’ll certainly need international clearance but there was a rule change last year where Prem & Championship clubs are now able to sign up to four overseas players per season who do not meet the previous points requirements of the international visa system.

Any news on a reported Luke McNally bid?

AT: I haven't seen any reports myself but all I can say is that this time last year when he joined Stoke on loan (after City had looked into getting him back, preferably as a permanent signing) that Mark Robins hinted that it could be a deal that, “might come back round again.”

Any outgoing news with Ben Wilson and Matty Godden, those sorts of players?

AT: All quiet at the moment but players are coming back off their holidays and will want to get things sorted. That said, there’s no rush with those two, who both have a year left on their contracts, so they’ll report back for pre-season unless anything crops up in the meantime, and could move any time over the summer.

Any future developments with the sponsorship deal?

AT: Nothing official on the new sponsor, although the smart money is on E.ON, given their partnership with the council.

Any updates on estimates for Season Ticket sales?

AT: Season tickets are confirmed as having now topped 20,000, to set a new club record, with late surge expected ahead of next Wednesday’s Early Bird deadline.

When are the players back in training?

AT: Players due back on July 1 for testing.

What do you read into the pre-season program so far - seems to be set at a higher level than usual - do you think this is geared to get them up to speed quickly for a fast start seeing most have bedded in now ?

AT: I think the plan will be to get the players up to speed more quickly this summer to ensure they are ready to hit the ground running when the season kicks off, rather than having a slow start and having to play catch-up again. I’m guessing there will be League One and Two opposition to get things going, building into the three higher profile friendlies against Everton and the two German sides.

Lots of speculation going on, which is not really surprising. I’ve not seen us linked to any goalkeepers though. Any news you may have picked up on this? Like a lot of people on here, I do think it’s a position we probably need to strengthen.

AT: Yes, it has been quiet on the goalkeeper front. The only thing I can say is that I suspect that Ben Wilson will want a move to get regular first team football, allied with the belief that, as with all positions, the club will almost certainly be looking to go up another level in terms of the quality in the squad.

What do you make of the Stamenic saga? Tell us what you think in the comments section HERE.