Coventry man jailed for violently 'lashing out' at elderly neighbour in Hillfields

Samir Soloman, of Cambridge Street, Hillfields
Samir Soloman, of Cambridge Street, Hillfields -Credit:West Midlands Police

A Coventry man who assaulted his elderly neighbour has been jailed. Samir Soloman slapped his 80-year-old neighbour on Cambridge Street in Hillfields in January.

Soloman walked out of his house and threw an egg at her house in an unprovoked attack, said West Midlands Police. When she came to his front door to challenge him, the 46-year-old slapped her in the face, causing her to fall to the floor and break her hip.

Police were called and arrested Soloman a short time later. He was remanded in custody while the investigation took place.

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When interviewed, Soloman offered no comment, later trying to claim the accusation against him was false and that he had simply slammed the door on her instead of attacking his victim, said West Midlands Police. His lies unravelled when CCTV showed him lashing out at the 80-year-old.

Soloman, of Cambridge Street, was charged with wounding on January 19 this year, two days after the attack had happened. He pleaded guilty to assault on April 4 and was jailed for 16 months at Warwick Crown Court on Thursday (May 2).

Detective Inspector Sherrie Kimberley said: “It was a violent and unprovoked assault on an innocent person which caused her serious injury. No one deserves to be attacked near their home, where they should feel safe, and we remain committed to taking action against anyone who would cause this kind of injury, trauma and distress to their neighbours.

“We would like to thank the woman who was assaulted, as her courage, strong will and resilience throughout the investigation was truly admirable. She is now being looked after by her loving family.”

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