Coventry man 'waited for hours' at car park due to traffic problem that happens 'every year'

A Coventry councillor was left waiting in a car park for "two to three hours" as the traffic was "so bad", a meeting heard. Cllr Rupinder Singh said the problem at West Orchards car park over Christmas caused him to leave his car and get picked up instead.

He claimed he was told it happens at Christmas "every year." Cllr Singh told officers about the problem at a scrutiny meeting today (11 April) which discussed parking in the city.

Parking manager Paul Bowman confirmed that there is an issue, saying: "The honest answer is it happens every year." He said there is a crossing by the exit of the car park which is not signed, meaning cars stop when people are on it.


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"The consequence is traffic builds up," he said. Head of Network Management, David Keaney, said that on the two Saturdays immediately before Christmas they employ staff who try to improve movement across the zebra crossings.

Councillor Rupinder Singh
Councillor Rupinder Singh welcomes the renewal of the Public Space Protection Order (Credit: Coventry City Council) -Credit:Coventry City Council

"We recognise it's a challenge," he added, and said they would need to look at that area "closely" this Christmas. But he also said "the road network is the road network" and there is a limited amount they can do.

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