Coventry political map set to change as boundaries are redrawn

How Coventry's political boundaries are set to change
How Coventry's political boundaries are set to change -Credit:Contains Ordnance Survey data (c) Crown copyright and database rights 2024

Coventry's political boundaries have been redrawn, and changes are likely to be in place by the next local elections. But what does this mean for you?

Some people will end up in a different council 'ward' in the city. The areas that the city councillors represent were last changed 20 years ago.

Locals will also see a change to most ward boundaries, meaning the areas get smaller or larger and could lose or gain communities from its pool of voters. The aim is to make sure the number of people represented per councillor in each area of the city is fair, officials say.


Political boundaries in Coventry set to change after data shows 'imbalance'

Overhaul of Coventry boundaries proposed

If plans go ahead, it means no area will have over 10 per cent more or fewer voters than the city's average, officials added. The plans are the final recommendation of the local government boundary commission for England (LGBCE.)

The revamped map was revealed today, May 13. The move still needs approval from Parliament before it becomes law.

If agreed, it will be put in place for the 2026 'all-out' elections where every council seat in the city will be up for grabs. Under the latest plans just two of the council's 18 wards, Foleshill and Longford, will not have any change to their boundaries.

A full report with the changes can be found here: Some of the main shifts include renaming Holbrook Holbrooks and moving Bablake's border so it no longer includes Eastern Green and housing developments there.

Other moves will no longer take place after feedback on an earlier version of the plans. This included one that would have divided the Poets Corner community in Lower Stoke, and moving Styvechale Grange to Earlsdon, which was opposed by residents and the council.

Professor Colin Mellors, Chair of the Commission, said: "We are very grateful to people in Coventry. We looked at all the views they gave us. They helped us improve our earlier proposals.

"We believe the new arrangements will deliver electoral fairness while maintaining local ties."

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