Creep masturbated at his window in front of child

Generic image of window <i>(Image: Gilberto Olimpio from Pexels)</i>
Generic image of window (Image: Gilberto Olimpio from Pexels)

A CREEP masturbated at his window in front of a child.

Ryan Gibson was seen performing the sex act on two separate occasions at his Rutherglen home on May 20 and June 12 last year.

On the first occasion, the 20-year-old was seen by a 14-year-old and the second time, he was spotted by two women.

He appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court last week after he pleaded guilty to intentionally engaging in a sexual activity in the presence of a child and touching himself at his window.

Sheriff Vincent Lunny summarised the charges: "He is masturbating within his home address, at the window, leaving people seeing him, including a child.

"What is a concern is that his ongoing order is for effectively the same thing."

Gibson's lawyer said: "There is a very positive report. When I read the report, the level of insight and recognition that he has is evident."

Sheriff Lunny remarked: "The background that he put forward is completely different than this.

"He was caught the last time and he is doing it again.

"There was a child involved on the first occasion. The second time, it was adult complainers."

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Gibson also admitted to failing to comply with notification requirements imposed on him previously.

The court heard that on June 20, police officers spoke to Gibson's social worker and he went to Rutherglen police station after being reminded.

His solicitor said: "Forgetfulness is a poor excuse. He is careless. There is an issue with him understanding the position he finds himself in.

"I have explained to him that he has gotten close to going to jail. He accepts responsibility.

"He is only 20. He does have the benefit of never having served time in jail. There is also a possibility of unpaid work or a tag.

"What we cannot get away from is public conduct. He will have to live with the consequences of his actions.

"He is not working just now. He is holding off looking for a job until this matter is finished. There would be no difficulties in complying with any and all alternatives to custody."

Sheriff Lunny addressed Gibson: "These are serious offences and you could go to jail, the last person I had to deal with, [with similar charges] I did send to jail.

"There are a number of presumptions working in your favour.

"You have got to realise that if you continue to offend like this, masturbating within the window and children see that, it’s utterly unacceptable."

Gibson was placed on three years of supervision and tagged for 163 days. This will require him to stay at his home address between 7pm and 7am each day.

He is also required to engage with Moving Forward, Making Changes. The programme was developed to provide treatment for moderate-to-high-risk adult men convicted of sexual offences.

He was also ordered to complete 135 hours of unpaid work and put on a five-year notification requirement order.

Sheriff Lunny said: "I am concerned about the risks going forward."