Crews in Northern Italy Find Body of Man Who Fell Into Floodwater

Fire and rescue crews found the body of a 66-year-old man who had died after falling into a flooded stream in Cantu, in the northern Italian province of Como, on Friday, May 17.

Footage released by Vigili del Fuoco shows crews during the search.

The deceased, identified as Mario Porro, was watching the flooded stream from a pedestrian bridge with two friends when one of the banks on which the bridge was built gave way and he fell into the water, according to local news reports.

Porro was sucked into the water and carried away. After a night of searching, his body was found on Friday morning, according to Il Giorno.

An investigation has been opened into the incident to ascertain whether Porro’s death could have been avoided and why the bank gave way, according to Virgilio.

Northern Italy has been plagued by heavy rains and flooding since Wednesday. Credit: Vigili del Fuoco via Storyful

Video transcript

Questo il senso che quello che stiamo facendo.

Loro possono andare in via Como S, entrare da l, venire in perch non so se non riusciamo ad arrivare fino a via Como.

Noi facciamo terzo e dopo va bene.

Flavio ti ha girato il punto Dove dovete andare?

Al Sud.

S, s, s, s. No, vabb, adesso, Riccardo, voi rientrate voi nel senso fate questo e togliamo questo.

E secondo me siamo arrivati.

Va bene.

Il primo il campionato russo a