Crisps and fizzy drinks to be removed from meal deals in Scotland as SNP tackles obesity crisis

Options in a consultation for rebalancing meal deals include banning products high in fat, sugar or salt from such offers
Options in a consultation for rebalancing meal deals include banning products high in fat, sugar or salt from such offers - Matthew Ashmore / Stockimo / Alamy Stock Photo

Meal deals are to be stripped of crisps and fizzy drinks in Scotland under SNP plans to tackle an obesity crisis.

Proposals unveiled on Tuesday state that the popular supermarket offers, as well as temporary price reductions on unhealthy food and drink, will fall within the scope of a new junk food crackdown north of the border.

Options in a consultation for “rebalancing meal deals towards healthier options” include banning any food or drink classed as being high in fat, sugar or salt from the promotions in meal deals. These typically consist of a sandwich, snack and drink for a set price.

Alternatively, customers may be allowed to purchase one unhealthy item, such as a bag of crisps or a sugary drink, but not both.

‘Shoppers will miss out’

The plans are a significant departure from rules in England, where only multibuy junk food promotions, such as buy-one-get-one-free deals, face being banned from October next year.

However, north of the border, temporary price reductions on all junk food will be banned, it has been proposed, despite warnings that the move will cause confusion for cross-border businesses and drive up food bills for struggling families.

Ewan MacDonald-Russell, of the Scottish Retail Consortium, said that it appeared Scottish ministers were “determined to put up prices on a range of products despite consumers reeling from a cost-of-living crisis”.

He added: “These proposals will prevent retailers competing on price on any of the products caught by these rules, meaning shoppers miss out both on the benefits of competition but also from any falls in inflation.

“All this will hinder rather than help retailers’ ability to keep down prices for Scotland’s shoppers during a cost-of-living crisis, the last thing Scotland’s hard-pressed consumers need.”

Not ‘impulse’ purchases

Businesses had lobbied the SNP Government to fall into line with the UK Government’s plans, which have been repeatedly delayed.

South of the border, there are no plans to restrict meal deals or end temporary price reductions.

Supermarkets said that meal deals should not fall within the scope of the crackdown, as they were not “impulse” purchases of unhealthy items.

However, the SNP sided with public health campaigners who argued that they encouraged “overconsumption”.

Under the plans, Scottish consumers could be forced to purchase items such as carrot sticks or fruit, rather than crisps or chocolate bars, as the snack component if they still want to purchase a meal deal.

As well as lunchtime meal deals, evening “dine in” offers, in which consumers can purchase a main dish, side and pudding, would also face being banned if they included unhealthy components.

Restrict unlimited drinks refills

Examples of restricted items include breakfast cereals, pizzas, roast potatoes, ready meals, soft drinks with added sugar and fruit loaves. Plans would also restrict unlimited drinks refills, or placing unhealthy foods at certain locations such as at checkouts.

Statistics show that more than seven in 10 Scots in the most deprived areas are overweight or obese. Meanwhile, a third of children are classed as being “at risk” of being overweight or obese.

The plans have been resurrected in a new consultation after Humza Yousaf previously ditched Nicola Sturgeon’s plans for a similar scheme as part of his efforts to build bridges with businesses.

David Thomson, the chief executive officer of Food and Drink Federation Scotland, said the plans would create “a different set of trading regulations for businesses selling into the Scottish stores compared to that in other parts of the UK”.

He added: “These proposals will disproportionately impact small Scottish food and drink producers and will make selling food in Scotland more complex and costly for everyone.”

‘Ensure we eat well’

Jenni Minto, the SNP public health minister, said that the Scottish Government had a responsibility to address “high levels of excess weight, obesity and poor diet”.

She added: “The association between these issues and health outcomes such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers has been established for some time.

“We want to ensure Scotland is a place where we eat well and have a healthy weight.”