Croydon West General Election candidates explain what they'll do if voted in

Croydon North End
-Credit: (Image: Tara O'Connor)

Croydon West is one of London’s newest constituencies following the boundary changes of 2023. Birthed out of Sarah Jones’ old Croydon Central constituency, the new East and Western seats were established to better distribute Croydon’s many voters.

The new West constituency includes the wards of Bensham Manor, Broad Green, Fairfield, Selhurst, South Norwood, Waddon, West Thornton and Woodside. Croydon West has seven candidates running on July 4, including a candidate from the local Taking the Initiative Party. Here's an alphabetical list of all the candidates standing in Croydon West and a breakdown of what they stand for in their own words.

Read more: MyLondon's big General Election survey - have your say on London transport, NHS and cost of living

April Ashley - Trade Union and Socialist Coalition

April Ashley
April Ashley is the TUSC candidate for Croydon West -Credit:TUSC

"Our community in Croydon has been let down by careerist politicians. Tories and Labour only offer war, austerity, more council tax hikes and more attacks on the working class. We need a fully funded NHS and public services, and a mass council house-building programme and we need to prepare for a working-class fightback under the next government.

“I am April Ashley and I am an elected representative on the National Executive Council of Public Service Union Unison (personal capacity). As a Socialist Party member, I am standing in Croydon West as part of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) because working-class people need a new party that stands up for us.

“We need a new way of running the economy to benefit the majority, not just the billionaires. That’s why we say take the wealth of the 1% and fight for socialist change. Unfortunately, the actions of Keir Starmer’s Labour show they will not willingly stand up for workers in Britain or internationally.

“That is why I am standing, to help build a new mass workers’ party against the pro-cuts and pro-war agenda of the Tories and Labour. So if you feel let down by all the main parties on Gaza, on pay, on housing, on the NHS and public services, vote for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition.”

Simon Fox - Conservatives

Simon Fox
Simon Fox is the Conservative candidate for Croydon West -Credit:Simon Fox

“I live in the constituency and since 2022 I have served as a local Councillor for Waddon which makes up part of the Croydon West Constituency and it’s where I live. I am super passionate about being a great elected representative. Being a local Councillor has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life.

“I deal with a vast range of residents' issues. Housing and homeless cases, housing repairs, working with local businesses, dealing with fly-tips, getting graffiti removed, protecting green spaces, and parking issues.

“I’ve published one petition and I’m working on another. I hold regular surgeries, attend local events and I’ve built a great working relationship with my local police safer neighbourhood team.

“No one can ever accuse me of being a lazy elected representative. I love getting stuck in, proactively looking for work and getting things done.

“I want to bring this energy, passion and drive to being your next member of parliament.

I’m elected, I will be open, visible and responsive. I will work with you and for you whatever your issue may be.

“I will utilise my experience as a local representative to be an effective MP. I have a deep and passionate commitment to civic duty and I will do everything to stand up and fight for our constituency and our communities.”

Jahir Hussain - Lib Dem

Jahir Hussain
Jahir Hussain is the Lib Dem candidate for Croydon West -Credit:Jahir Hussain

"I am delighted to have been selected to stand for election for the Liberal Democrats in Croydon West.

"Having lived in Croydon for more than 2 decades, and worked closely with Croydon communities over the last 12 years, I know what Croydon needs. I have supported Croydon communities across various aspects of their lives, and I am proud to represent their interests in the House of Commons.

"After being a part of Labour for the past 8 years and being disappointed by their stance on Palestine, their failure in Croydon, and the treatment of their MPs, I joined the Lib Dems as I was impressed by their long-standing policies for peace in the Middle East and their call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

"Empowering people locally will be our political focus for 2024 and beyond. The growing unemployment and crime levels will be my primary focus to improve when elected to the office.

"I will do my best to create a positive outlook for Croydon West and the communities living here. The Tories and Labour have failed Croydon, it’s time to vote for a local champion who will create change for Croydon West."

"A resident of Croydon for the past twenty years, I understand the issues that affect people’s lives in the area. I decided to step into politics to alleviate these very concerns and to be the voice of all Croydon communities.

"I am a digital transformation and Artificial Intelligence expert by profession with a heart that has always been inclined towards helping people. I have been working towards empowering Croydon communities economically, educationally, religiously, and culturally through a charity that I established in 2013.

Sarah Jones - Labour

Sarah Jones MP
Sarah Jones is the Labour candidate for Croydon West -Credit:Sarah Jones MP

“Croydon means everything to me. I’ve lived here my whole life, and I’m bringing up my children here too.

“Our town is a special place, home to a proud and vibrant community. But too many are not getting the opportunities they deserve because this failed government has taken us backwards.

“After 14 years of the Tories, our town – and our country – need change. Labour have a plan for Croydon.

“A plan to cut waiting lists at Croydon University Hospital, crack down on antisocial behaviour and knife crime and breathe new life into our town centre. We’ll bring down energy bills by switching on Great British Energy, a new, publicly-owned power company, and improve Croydon’s schools with more teachers and mental health support workers. That’s a plan for real change.

“I’m proud of my track record of fighting for this town, setting up a cross-party group to tackle knife crime and helping tens of thousands of people with their problems. But we cannot afford another 5 years of Conservative government with high taxes and higher bills.

“More and more people are looking to Labour to end the chaos and failure of the Tories. Change is coming. And it starts right here in Croydon.”

Vinayak Malhotra - Reform UK

Vinayak Malhotra
Vinayak Malhotra is the Reform UK candidate -Credit:Vinayak Malhotra

“I am committed to advocating for the values and needs of Croydon. As a proud British citizen, I deeply cherish our rich heritage, culture, and traditions. With a background in architecture, construction, volunteer work, and community service, I have first-hand experience of our community's challenges and aspirations.

“Empowering our community is paramount. We prioritise transparency, reducing bureaucracy, and amplifying local voices to ensure tangible benefits for residents. Lowering taxes is essential to stimulate economic growth and ease financial burdens on families and businesses.

“Improving local infrastructure is a top priority. Our roads, public transport, and public spaces urgently need attention. We will invest in essential services and infrastructure projects to enhance everyone's quality of life.

“Addressing Croydon's alarming crime rates is critical. Strengthening partnerships between law enforcement and residents will create a safer environment and restore peace of mind.

“Education is fundamental to our future. Every child in Croydon deserves access to high-quality education. We aim to reduce class sizes, increase school funding, and support our dedicated teachers.

“Supporting the NHS is integral to our platform. We are dedicated to ensuring a robust healthcare system that meets the needs of all residents.

“Economic growth and job creation are vital. By supporting local businesses and attracting new investments, we can create opportunities for all residents.

“Let's build a brighter future for Croydon together—a community we can all be proud of. Join me in making a positive difference.”

Donna Murray-Turner - Taking the Initiative Party

Donna Murray-Turner
Donna Murray-Turner is the Taking the Initiative Party candidate for Croydon West -Credit:Harrison Galliven

“My name is Donna Murray-Turner and I was born, raised and currently live in the Croydon West Constituency. Machine politics is a disease that the Croydon borough has been plagued with, it is time that we take the cure – our vote.

“I used to be part of the Labour Party, then I realised that I would never be able to work for the benefit of the people of Croydon West under those bolts and chains. Croydon West needs someone to represent us, who will be our voice.

“I have been looking for that person for years, through every election, on every ballot paper, then I realised that it was time I stood up for myself and my neighbours around Croydon West, to be the voice and the representation we have never had.

“The other parties deal with politics on a national basis. They don’t place a focus on local politics and local issues, so they don’t represent us the way we need to be represented.

“As your member of parliament, this is what I will be fighting for on your behalf. Fighting for funding for the borough to decrease the financial punishment of constituents, such as increased council tax, increased parking costs, fines and more.

“Fighting against knife crime and violence against women and girls. Fighting against the housing crisis and supporting struggling families.

“As your MP, although these are the main points I will be fighting for, my objective is to represent you and fight for your cause. Your problems are my problems and together we will solve them.”

Ria Patel - Green Party

Councillor Ria Patel on Surrey Street Market
Ria Patel is the Green Party candidate for Croydon West -Credit:Harrison Galliven/LDRS

“I am proud to be selected to stand for the Green Party in the area where I already work as a local Councillor. I’m standing to be your MP because we need real change, and the other parties just aren’t offering that.

“We need significant change to restore our public services, especially our NHS. We need to end the failed privatisation experiment and return the focus to providing a public service, not making a private profit.

“We also need significant change in the protection of human rights, in the UK and across the world. We need politicians who will stand up for what’s right, not breaking the law. And when we see other countries breaking international law we should be part of the prosecution not making pathetic excuses to defend them.

“I am also standing to be your MP because I want to be a voice for local people and fight to improve our area, particularly our beautiful green spaces. MPs from other Parties are told what do and what to say by their Party bosses.

“Greens aren’t like that and I will be free to speak up for you. The Greens have already overtaken the Conservatives in much of the area and we are the real rivals to Labour.

I have shown as a local councillor that I will stand up for local people and I will do so as your MP.“

Ria was born and raised in Croydon and is Croydon’s youngest and first non-binary councillor. They are a councillor for Fairfield, Croydon’s town centre and were the Chair of the Streets and Environment Scrutiny Sub-Committee for the previous two years, as well as sitting on the Governance and Audit Committee too.

Within the Green Party of England and Wales, they are the Equalities & Diversity spokesperson and a committee member of the Green Party’s Campaign Committee.

Before being elected Ria studied Psychology at university and was involved in various Green Party liberation groups, as well as campaigns for migrant justice, LGBTIQA+ rights and climate action.

Ahsan Ullah - Workers Party

Ahsan Ullah
Ahsan Ullah is the Workers Party candidate for Croydon West -Credit:Ahsan Ullah

“I am extremely proud to share the values and vision of our party leader and seven-time MP, Mr George Galloway; a man whose decades-long struggle against apartheid and human rights is simply unparalleled.

“With an entrepreneurial career that spans more than two decades, I have created and grown businesses both at home and abroad. I have interests in the Legal and care sectors. I firmly stand and vouch for the notion that our country must prioritise its spending on its own public as than being party to the continuous and unwarranted military operations conducted abroad, killing tens of thousands of innocent women and children in the process.

“Under my tenure, I shall instil my focus on listening to and addressing the issues presented to me by my constituents. I shall aim to hold three weekly surgeries with the view to addressing the large variety of complaints and issues put to me by the public during our campaign.

“I look forward to establishing myself as a frequent and potent voice for Croydon, inside the Houses of Commons. I shall use my experience in the legal sector with the view to lobbying pressing and sensitive issues such as immigration and housing disrepair.

“I have always led from the front in all aspects of my life. During the forty-three times that I have been around the Sun, I have not felt anything more rewarding than to spend my time and energy on Charitable causes.

“Education and healthcare are critical areas where I believe we can make significant improvements. I shall lobby and push for policies that provide parents with more choices and more importantly control over the content of their children's education and the important decisions that need to be made on their behalf.

“I shall focus on promoting the youth to be actively engaged in sports and vocational training with the view to encourage early interest in career development, focus on job creation and stamped down the levels of high unemployment which serves as a catalyst to soaring crime rates.

I was born and raised in London. Apart from my mother tongue, I have a strong and fluent command of Urdu (written and spoken), Punjabi and Hindi (spoken).

I shall serve my constituency with a colour-blind lens, championing the virtues of justice and equality for all constituents of Croydon West regardless of their race, gender, creed and faith; whilst never forgetting the great benefits and privileges this country and its people have bestowed on me.

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