Cruise ship passengers jeer 'entitled' woman who held up departure

The woman was seen strolling towards the cruise ship with 'no urgency'
-Credit: (Image: @designsbyd1/TikTok)

A woman has been blasted as "entitled" after holding up an entire cruise ship and not seeming to care. The holidaymaker was jeered loudly by dozens of her fellow passengers for her brazen attitude.

A clip filmed from the ship itself went viral on TikTok after it showed the woman carrying her bags as she casually strolled along the jetty towards the woman. She could be seen nonchalantly meandering along the platform towards the giant vessel, where others were getting impatient as the woman was supposed to have been on board long before.

The footage, shared online by @designbyd1, then pans to the ship itself, where dozens of disgruntled holidaymakers can be seen looking out from various levels of the liner, with many jeering the woman, The Mirror reports.

Fellow passengers were extremely unimpressed
Fellow passengers were extremely unimpressed -Credit:@designsbyd1/TikTok

The accompanying caption reads: "How do you say entitled without saying it? A lady showing up with no urgency as the cruise ship waits for her to board 45 after boarding time."

Each cruise line has its own rules in terms of latecomers, with captains having to take into account the number of people missing by the planned departure time, as well as their scheduled arrival at the next port.

If you have taken a bit too long on a shopping trip while in port, you may find that the vessel has headed out to sea without you. But if you are on an excursion booked by the cruise company itself, they will wait for you.

And in the TikTok comments, some people suggested this may have been the case. One user replied: "If the ship was waiting it was because it was their fault she was late. They don't wait otherwise".

But not everyone agreed, with someone asking: "Everyone saying she must have booked her excursion through the ship... how is it on a ship that huge that only one person took that specific excursion?"

Whatever the reason, most viewers were unimpressed with the woman for showing no urgency despite holding up her fellow holidaymakers. One commented that "people should be fined" for holding up a ship, while another blasted her "audacity" and wondered if she may be close to the crew or captain.

If you miss a cruise ship, there are ways to catch it back up. The first place you should head is the port agent, as they can help stranded passengers organise onward travel - but this will be at your own expense.

Abandoned passengers are also urged to call the ship - it won't turn around to pick you up but the crew will be aware that you are no on board and can let you know where on the rest of the journey to meet them, if you can.

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