Crunch time over telegraph poles 'destroying landscape' of Rossendale Valley

A meeting will take place following a number of complaints about telegraph poles popping up across the Valley.

Residents across Rossendale have complained about the number of Brsk telegraph poles near their homes. Councillor for Longholme, Liz McInnes and Councillor for Hareholme and Waterfoot, Annie McMahon have set up a meeting in an attempt to address concerns.

Representatives from the full fibre broadband provider, Brsk will be present to speak with residents about their individual concerns and issues. Brsk say they are meeting the need for full fibre broadband in Rossendale which is ‘important to serve current and future generations’.

Councillor McInnes said: “A lot of people have been saying, which is a fair point, if it is full fibre broadband why do they have to have telegraph poles, why can’t it be underground. As councillors we have had comments and complaints about this, and it has become a particular issue in my ward as well as in Hareholme, Cribden and Goodshaw.


“I have some residents including on Park Wood Drive and Melia Close in Rawtenstall, that are unhappy with the affect the poles are having on the landscape.


“I am pleased BRSK have agreed to have this meeting and I do hope they will follow up with the public. These poles seem to be rolling out across the Valley which will create a long-standing problem.

“There have been some issues that residents have been able to resolve by contacting Brsk so it is worth getting in touch with them.”

Councillor McInnes says she will keep a register of residents who attended the meeting so they can be updated with any further information.

Residents are furious about the erection of the brsk poles
Residents are furious about the erection of the brsk poles -Credit:Manchester Evening News

The Free Press has previously reported frustrated residents concerns over telegraph poles. Last week the Free Press reported that Michael Broadhead and his neighbours on Constable Lee Crescent in Rawtenstall were opposing plans for the installation of timber telegraph poles around 10 metres in height, which they say would “ruin the character and appearance of the cul-de-sac”.


Brsk sent Michael an email this week to inform him a decision has now been made to not build the telegraph poles on Constable Lee Crescent. Poles were erected outside of Sandra and Roger Hindle’s home on Cedar Avenue in Rawtenstall which they say blighted their “forever home”.

Similarly, Abi Cadogan, who lives on Horncliffe Close, says she moved to Rossendale for the scenic views – which have now been ruined by the telegraph poles. Brsk say they are transparent and proactive with their communication with residents and local authorities to keep them informed.

Visitors are being asked to bear in mind that there may be a wait at the drop-in session. Councillor for Hareholme and Waterfoot, Nick Harris will also be attending the meeting. The meeting will take place at Rawtenstall Unitarian Church on Bank Street 1pm-6pm.

A spokesperson for BRSK said: “As one of the UK’s fastest-growing full fibre broadband providers, brsk is fully committed to the Government’s mandate to deliver gigabit-capable connectivity nationwide by 2030.

“This mandate can only be achieved by upgrading current broadband infrastructure to full fibre – the fastest and most reliable type of broadband available. Currently, full fibre broadband is only available to around 60% of homes in the country, which is why brsk are bringing better broadband to Rossendale.


“With residents having been historically misled into believing that the option they already have is the most advanced – but not all options advertised as “fibre” are full fibre. These upgrades are therefore important to serve current and future generations, future-proofing the services for all.

“We pride ourselves on having open and ongoing communication throughout the build process.

“We do this through various channels, including engagement with local authorities, and notification of work letters delivered to each home in an area ahead of work starting.

“We then engage face to face with as many residents as possible through our dedicated engagement teams, who collect details so that we can provide ongoing updates on our build progress to those who request these.

“We strive to engage with the local community as much as possible, which is why we use a number of different channels to communicate, and why we proactively engage with local councils ahead of work starting.


“Although there is no requirement for planning permission, and no legal requirement for consultation with residents or businesses, we are proud to be transparent and proactive with our communication to keep residents and local authorities informed.

“Our network is built within and on the existing telecommunications infrastructure under Code Powers issued by OFCOM, using the Openreach PIA (Physical Infrastructure Access) Product.

“This means that during our build process, we endeavour to use as much existing Openreach infrastructure as possible, this is actually better for our rollout as it allows us to deploy our network faster and more effectively by using existing ducts underground and telegraph poles.

“However, sometimes the existing infrastructure is insufficient for us to serve some premises, and on these occasions, we need to upgrade the infrastructure to provide services to all residents.

“The planting of poles where necessary is widely used within the industry, and generally accepted as the most effective, and most environmentally-friendly option, to upgrade infrastructure.

“Across Rossendale we are committed to using as much existing infrastructure as possible, which is why we will connect 18,000 homes and businesses to full fibre broadband using 1,809 existing poles, and we plan to add a very small number in comparison; 289 new poles.

“Having provided over 515,000 homes and businesses with the ability to access full fibre broadband across the West Midlands and North West of the UK, brsk is proud to make Rossendale one of the best digitally connected areas in the country ahead of the national deadline, and for creating the opportunity for residents to take up world class broadband now, while many parts of the country are left behind.

“Brsk welcomes the opportunity to further discuss the roll out with residents at the drop-in sessions.”

Brsk has provided the Free Press with a timeline of communication which the company says has been carried out across Rossendale:

  • February 2024: “Pre-construction letters were sent out to every home in the area, in advance of any work starting, specifically stating that new poles may need to be planted if underground infrastructure isn’t a viable option.”

  • March 2024: “Communication packs were sent to local Ward Councillors sharing our plans for the local infrastructure, including detailed information around how we install our network and comply with legislation for the best possible rollout. Specific hand-delivered letters were given to residents who would receive new telegraph poles within direct proximity to their homes, offering our contact details if they would like to get in contact with us to discuss further.”

  • April 2024: “Community Liaison Officers have been door knocking in the area to discuss the network rollout and the services provided, in addition to offering to take details to keep residents updated.
    “This engagement is still ongoing in the area.”