Cumbernauld family's distress after kitten 'stamped on' and faced being put down

Little Jinx was very "trusting" before the incident
-Credit: (Image: Supplied)

A family from Cumbernauld have told of their 'total shock' after their one-year-old kitten returned home distressed and with "boot marks" on the side of his face.

Jinx returned home after a few hours of exploring on June 21, however, his owner Elaine Govan noticed something wasn't quite right.

Mum-of-four Elaine, 42, said Jinx's bottom jaw was "sitting round the side of his face" - she also claims that he had a "dirty footprint" on his cheek.

Speaking to Glasgow Live she said: "Jinx usually comes home and meows at us all for attention but this time he came in and ran straight under the bed, which was strange. When I managed to get him out from under the bed I noticed he had white foam around his mouth so I thought he had ate something and been poisoned.

"Then when I got a better look at him I could see his jaw was sitting round the side of his face and he had a dirty footprint on his cheek which was swollen".

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Jinx faced being put down after he returned home with severe facial injuries
Jinx faced being put down after he returned home with severe facial injuries -Credit:Supplied

Jinx was quickly rushed to an emergency vets who ran x-rays and scans, however, at around 3pm on June 22, Elaine received a call to say he would have to be put to sleep. Staff at first thought Jinx would not recover from his injuries as his jaw was "completely detached".

The 42-year-old prepared her children for the worst who were "absolutely devastated" but just 20 minutes later, after consulting with colleagues, Jinx was given "a chance" and was picked up later that evening to begin his recovery at home after having his jaw wired together.

Elaine continued: "He is home now and able to eat soft food and drink his water but he's just absolutely terrified. Jinx use to be the most trusting and lovable wee cat but he is now anxious to approach anyone who isn't us - he even jumps off the window if someone walks by.

"Although we are so proud of him, I can't believe how resilient he's been".

Jinx is now recovering well at home
Jinx is now recovering well at home

Elaine claims that the vet said there were "no signs" of Jinx being involved in a collision with a car or in a fight with another cat. They could not confirm if he was "booted or stamped on" however, the injuries show that it is "likely".

The family have been left "incredibly anxious" to let Jinx out following the incident and just "can't understand" why someone would harm him, it has understandably left them "utterly distressed".

The family are now desperately searching for witnesses in a bid to trace the individual who harmed Jinx.

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