Cyberpunk 2077 update 2.0 is so big that the devs advise starting a new playthrough

 Cyberpunk 2077 DLC screenshot.
Cyberpunk 2077 DLC screenshot.

Cyberpunk 2077 update 2.0 is dropping for free on Thursday, September 21 ahead of the Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty release time, and while the enormous overhaul patch is compatible with existing saves, developer CD Projekt Red suggests starting all over "due to the number of changes" it contains.

CDPR has repeatedly touted update 2.0 as a ground-up makeover for multiple systems in the cyberpunk RPG, and now its customer support account has formally advised all players to start from scratch. You know, because we all need another massive RPG right now.

"Hey, chooms! While you'll be able to continue the game with your current character on an existing save, we recommend starting a new game after [Cyberpunk 2077] Update 2.0," a recent CDPR support post reads. "Due to the number of changes, starting fresh will enhance your overall gameplay experience!"


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Update 2.0 includes new skill trees, revamped Cyberware and capacity systems, enhanced vehicle combat, AI improvements (especially for police behavior), retouched UI, and even a new radio station to set the mood for your adventure. It really is a tremendous upgrade, and many of the improvements won't hit the same if you're already in post-campaign territory with most of the side stuff done, so I can see why CDPR is pushing for a fresh run – that, and driving up player retention for its next quarterly meeting *wink wink*.

In all seriousness, this update sounds like the experience that fans wanted at the game's disastrous launch, so it's a reasonable sales pitch for round two. HowLongToBeat puts the average clear time for the main story at a brisk 25 hours anyway, so if you just want to test the waters and see what's new, you could probably get in and out in less time than I've put into a single act of Baldur's Gate 3 – and then inevitably get sidetracked and spend 40 hours on side content again. I'm the kind of person who rarely replays games, but I was playing the ultra-long game with Cyberpunk 2077, and I'm now smugly pleased that I get to experience the best version of the RPG on my first playthrough.

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