Dad, 31, joins 'game changing' football weight loss club and sheds 6 stone

Barton man Mathew Brown, 31, says MAN v FAT has made his family closer and more active
Barton man Mathew Brown, 31, says MAN v FAT has made his family closer and more active -Credit:Scunthorpe MAN v FAT

A North Lincolnshire man says joining a football weight loss programme has led to him losing 30% of his body weight and becoming closer to his family.

Barton man Mathew Brown, 31, who is a member of the Scunthorpe MAN v FAT club, weighed more than 20 stone (130.9kg) when he joined in 2022. He now weighs in at just under 14 stone (88.6kg) a loss of more than 30% of his body weight.

He said the FA-accredited football weight loss programme is "game-changing" and allowed him to "enjoy great banter and camaraderie with a group of like-minded lads". It has also led to him enjoying a more active lifestyle with his wife and young children.


Mathew said: "One summer I was chasing my 18-month-old son around my mother-in-law’s garden and became severely fatigued by it, which I found embarrassing. I began to think about whether I would ever be able to play sport with him.

"My wife Alice saw an advert for a new MAN v FAT club in Scunthorpe with local council funding available. Socially, I was quite reserved at that point, so a bit of gentle bullying and encouragement from my wife got me out the door and into my first session. The rest is history.

Mathew with his wife Alice and their two young children
Mathew Brown with his wife Alice and their two young children -Credit:Scunthorpe MAN v FAT

“The support and camaraderie of our community shines out above all because it's so inclusive and supportive. I get the opportunity to spend two hours a week when I'm not Dad or Boss, I'm just Matt and I have a laugh supporting others in their weight loss journeys and playing football.”

Perhaps the person who has noticed the difference most is Mathew’s wife Alice. She said: "Our lives have changed massively, as a family of four we are so much more active.

Mathew Brown says Scunthorpe MAN v FAT club has helped him lose 6 stone
Mathew Brown says Scunthorpe MAN v FAT club has helped him lose 6 stone -Credit:Scunthorpe MAN v FAT

"We've both taken up running and entered our first 10k race in May. We regularly go on holiday to go hiking and walking with the children and we try to walk, hike and cycle as a family once a week now.

“We are really getting our children used to exercising regularly and in fun ways. I don't think we would have done it, without MAN v FAT. It’s not just the guy who goes, it's about their families too.

"It’s a group of men who have become friends and talk and support each other regularly, especially regarding mental health. Mathew has openly said, when things have been stressful, the lads’ support has been amazing.”

MAN v FAT Football currently has 8,200 players taking part in more than 150 leagues across the UK. The programme was created by Andrew Shanahan, who, fed-up with traditional weight loss classes primarily aimed at women, decided to develop a programme that combines the beautiful game with achievable weight loss goals for men.

The total amount of weight lost by MAN v FAT players in the UK currently stands at more than 650,000 pounds. It is aimed at men with a BMI of higher than 27.5.

Before matches, the players are weighed, which is followed by a 30-minute game of six-a-side, with extra goal bonuses awarded to teams based on the amount of weight players have lost. Players receive additional support including healthy meal recipe ideas and tips on general fitness.

Mathew’s now keen to encourage other men to get involved with MAN v FAT football. He said: "The opportunity to be part of a really inclusive community that extends beyond Friday nights is too good to miss.

"We have two 11-a-side teams, we play locally again on a Tuesday and take part in charity matches and mental health walks as a community. We do far more than just what we do on a Friday night."

The Scunthorpe MAN v FAT club meets on Friday evenings at Frederick Gough School, Grange Lane South. More information can be found at