Dad who faked DNA test to avoid paying child support gives thumbs up as he's jailed

William Boswarva
William Boswarva -Credit:Merseyside Police

A fraudster who faked a DNA test in order to avoid paying child support gave a thumbs up as he was jailed.

William Boswarva sent another man to complete the test after the baby's mother fell pregnant following a one-night stand. He blamed inconsistencies in the results on "some kind of mix up".

Boswarva, of Lockfields View in Vauxhall, was convicted of conspiracy to commit fraud by false representation by a majority jury earlier this month following a trial. The 29-year-old returned to Liverpool Crown Court to be sentenced yesterday afternoon.

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Jurors previously heard that the dad had attempted to put pressure on the child's mother in order to convince her to have an abortion and told her he wanted "nothing to do" with the baby. He discovered that the woman was pregnant when she uploaded a picture from a scan to Instagram following their sexual liason.

Boswarva was then said to have told her that he did not want a child and offered her money for a termination before cutting contact. She ultimately gave birth to a baby boy and later applied for child support.

But the defendant denied that he was the father and requested a DNA test, which was arranged to take place at Crosby Medical Centre. But Kyra Badman, prosecuting, told the court that Boswarva had instead sent another man to complete the procedure to avoid paying the money.

She said in her opening: "[The man] provided ID in the name William Boswarva and had sample of saliva taken from inside the mouth. The sample was sealed up, stored in a locked office and then sent in the post that evening to the lab.

"He was the only one to have an appointment for a DNA test that day. That DNA did not match the DNA held on the police national database for Boswarva.

"It appeared it came from a different person. DNA as I’m sure you know, is unique to an individual.

"Every one of us has different DNA. Whoever took the test at the Crosby Medical Centre had different DNA to William Boswarva."

Boswarva was subsequently arrested, with a sample of his DNA then being taken at Copy Lane Police Station. This was compared to the sample taken at the medical centre, and the two were found not to match.

Under interview, he told detectives that there "must be some kind of mix up". He conceded having had sex with the woman but stated that he did not believe he was the child's dad and maintained that he had completed the test.

A police officer offered him the opportunity to retake the test while in custody, but he refused "because the whole thing had caused him nothing but stress". Ms Badman told the jury: "This case is not about you deciding who the real father of this child is.

"It is not Jeremy Kyle. It is about whether you are sure Boswarva agreed with someone else to go into the Crosby clinic in August 2021 and pretend to be him in order to avoid the potential financial responsibility of having to pay child maintenance."

Boswarva said during his evidence: "I went that day. I gave the swab, and if you're saying it doesn't match I can't say what's happened.

"If it's not my DNA, it's not my DNA. It's obviously not the DNA I gave at Crosby Medical Centre.

"That's what I'm trying to say. There must have been a mix-up.

"Mistakes do happen. However, I can't tell you how."

Boswarva has a total of 10 previous convictions for 11 offences, including receiving six years in a young offenders' institute for wounding with intent in 2014 and a suspended sentence for dangerous driving last year. His record also includes a three-year footballing banning order for invading the pitch at Goodison Park as Everton's 1-0 win over Bournemouth in May 2023 sealed their Premier League survival.

Andrew Jebb, defending, told the court on Tuesday that a number of references had been written in support of his client, including highlighting his previous "activity in the community" and his "regular care" for his partner's mum. Boswarva's brief added: "She describes him as being kind, caring, generous and polite.

"He is a young man who is capable of being a very decent member of society. Good things are spoken about him by people who have known him for a long time.

"He has made a very, very bad decision in this case and he knows he is about to be punished for that. That decision was made in August of 2021.

"A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then. Mr Boswarva has been demonstrating to his family and friends that he can be a good person."

Appearing in the dock wearing a grey Under Armour zip-up top and carrying two large Sports Direct bags with him, Boswarva was jailed for a year. He gave his supporters in the public gallery a thumbs up before he was led down to the cells.

Sentencing, Recorder Neil Owen-Casey described the matter as an "unusual case with somewhat bizarre circumstances". He added: "You arranged with another person that they go and give a sample and pretend that they were you.

"You went to the extremes of using your driving licence and signing a declaration that it was you behind the face mask, which was required due to the covid pandemic. That provided you with the perfect method of concealing the identity of the person who attended for the sample.

"One of your assaults, in 2014, was particularly grave. But you managed to keep away from the courts before you were sentenced for an offence of dangerous driving, a serious one, in 2023.

"What appears to be a trouble free existence for eight or so years was punctuated by this particular offence. I bear in mind that this offence was committed three-and-a-half years ago.

"It may be the case that you are not the father, but that was never what this case was about. This matter was entirely concerning what you did to prove that you were not the biological father.

"It is clear to me that this has caused her distress and anxiety. You have made her feel as if she has done something wrong.

"She has not done anything wrong at all. She seeks the truth on behalf of her child.

"This is not about money as far as she is concerned. You have denied her any rights that she and her child may have.

"I have read references provided on your behalf. They all speak of someone who has changed in the last few years.

"They overlook the fact that you received two sentences in 2023 alone. One states that there are no winners in this situation.

"I wholeheartedly agree. At the heart of this case is a child being denied the opportunity to know who their biological father is.

"By conspiring with another and instigating this conspiracy, you have attempted to cheat the system in an entirely foolish manner. The fact that you are standing before this court today will hopefully show that those who attempt to undermine the system should think again."

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