Dad turns his 6-year-old son’s drawings to life and the results are adorable and terrifying
With the best will in the world, not everyone’s child is a gifted artist.
When kids draw things, they don’t always turn out perfectly.
But what if you could turn those inaccurate scrawls into something rather wonderful?
One father has done just that, taking his six-year-old son’s drawings and making them real.
And the results, while adorably cute, are also just a little bit creepy.
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The original drawings by the boy, known only as “Dom”, include misshapen but really rather good fish, cars, lions, dinosaurs and lemurs.
This is a cat. Yes, really (Picture: @thingsihavedrawn/Instagram)
With some tech wizardry, his dad then brings the images to life, adding a splash of colour.
It’s an interesting glimpse into the mind of a child armed with some pencils and a pad.
This car may not be roadworthy (Picture: @thingsihavedrawn/Instagram)
The results are posted on the Instagram account @ThingsIHaveDrawn, which has more than 8,000 followers.
This dinosaur got cut in two after the page was ripped (Picture: @thingsihavedrawn/Instagram)
The page reads: “My name’s Dom and I’ve joined Instagram to show how amazing at drawing I am.
“Dad takes the photos.”
(Main Picture: @thingsihavedrawn/Instagram)