‘Daily Show’ Guest Desus Nice Reminds Short-Lived GOP Nominee Of Incredible Flub

“The Daily Show” guest host Desus Nice on Tuesday poked fun at House Majority Whip Tom Emmer’s (R-Minn.) ridiculously short-lived bid to become House speaker.

Emmer was the Republican nominee for less than four hours as the GOP continued to struggle to replace Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) following his ouster three weeks ago.

Nice said he’d been looking forward to Emmer as speaker because of his Zoom game. He then aired footage of Emmer virtually appearing in a meeting but appearing upside down on the screen.

“How does that even happen? Was the laptop upside down? Was he upside down? We all use Zoom. That’s not even an option in Zoom,” joked Nice. “I’ve never seen anyone do anything close to this.”
