‘Daily Show’ Guest Host Leslie Jones Socks Kevin McCarthy With Some Blunt Advice

Leslie Jones handed Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) some clear guidance on where he can take his physical altercations after Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) recently claimed the former House speaker elbowed him in the back.

The Daily Show” guest host, who previously tackled threats of violence in the Senate this week, declared that every single person on Capitol Hill seems to be “losing their damn mind” before flipping to coverage of elbowgate.

McCarthy told reporters that if he “kidney punched someone,” they’d be on the ground, remarks that caused Jones to grimace on Wednesday.

“Oh my god, you guys are such children. You act like 5-year-olds. This is insane,” she said before dropping workplace advice for the two congressmen.

“Listen, I know what it’s like to want to fight a coworker. But don’t do that at work,” she said. “You wait for them in the parking lot like a responsible adult.”

Jones, elsewhere in her monologue, jokingly gave props to lawmakers for passing House Speaker Mike Johnson’s plan to avoid a government shutdown.

“Congrats, Congress,” Jones declared, “you did the absolute bare fucking minimum.”

You can check out more from Jones on “The Daily Show” in the clip below.
