Daily Wire Takes on Disney With Its Own Snow White Film Starring White YouTuber

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Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire is making its own live-action Snow White movie to rival Disney’s upcoming film, which sparked a conservative backlash for apparently being too woke. The right-wing media company’s take on the fairytale is titled Snow White and the Evil Queen and stars a white conservative YouTuber, Brett Cooper, in the title role. Cooper acted before becoming a commentator and host of the Daily Wire’s The Comments Section show. The organization has previously criticized Disney’s forthcoming Snow White film starring Latina actress Rachel Zegler as “Disney’s Wokest Remake of Them All,” with Daily Wire co-founder Jeremy Boreing claiming that the Disney production “will expose children to the popular but destructive lies of the current moment,” according to Deadline. “While Disney still uses Walt’s name, they have all but abandoned his legacy,” he added. Snow White and the Evil Queen is due to be released in 2024.

Read it at Deadline

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