Dalbeattie B&B appears on Channel 4's Four in a Bed

Mandy Nicholson of The Art Bank in Kirkcudbright
Mandy Nicholson of The Art Bank in Kirkcudbright -Credit:Les Snowdon

A Dalbeattie B&B has been featured on a popular reality TV show.

The Art Bank was the focus for Monday’s episode of Four in a Bed on Channel 4.

And owner Mandy Nicholson has been featuring in the show all week as the programme sees hotel owners stay at each other’s properties, paying what they feel is a fair price for the accommodation.

Mandy said: “I had no inclination of how they were going to edit it.

“They edit it for TV. It is what it is, and I can’t complain.

“I went on because I wanted to showcase Dalbeattie. I don’t think it gets enough coverage in the UK.

“It’s a lovely place and I think the episode did really well.

“I did a watch party on Zoom so people could join me and watch my reactions.

Mandy with dogs Lexie and Diesel
Mandy with dogs Lexie and Diesel -Credit:Les Snowdon

“Everybody has been messaging saying I was great and I was totally me.”

Mandy added: “They approached me last February – it’s been in editing for more than a year.

“It was an experience – I have a new found understanding of why I never want to work in the TV industry! It was very hard work, we were filming for two whole weeks for five half hour episodes.”

Mandy offers creative retreats at the Art Bank and took the other business owners on the show into Dalbeattie Forest during their trip to the Stewartry.

She said: “We did some painting and I got them to channel the energy of the forest into their paintings. I think they enjoyed it and think I’m a bit mad! It was a very different.

“Some of them had places that were crisp and white and clean which is totally the opposite to what we have here.

“I’ve a Picasso room, a Van Gogh room and a Monet room so it’s all very colourful.”

The episodes of Four in a Bed featuring Mandy and The Art Room are on Channel 4 at 6pm every night this week.

They’re also available online atwww.channel4.com/programmes/four-in-a-bed