Damage but no injuries reported as Royal Navy ships collide in Bahrain Harbor

The British Royal Navy minesweeper HMS Chiddingfold is shown in a 2009 file photo. The Navy said Friday it and another minesweeper, the HMS Bangor, sustained minor damage when they collided with each other in Bahrain Harbor. File Photo by Stuart Hill/Wikimedia Commons

Jan. 20 (UPI) -- Damage but no injuries were reported by Britain's Royal Navy after two of its minesweepers collided in Bahrain Harbor.

The Navy said Friday it lost two-thirds of its minesweeper force in the Middle East due to the accidental collision between the vessels as they were maneuvering in the harbor.

"I'm aware of a recent incident that took place between two minehunters in Bahrain Harbor," Rear Admiral Edward Ahlgren said in a statement posted on X. "I would like to stress that, thankfully, nobody was hurt in the collision, but some damage was sustained."

The HMS Chiddingfold and HMS Bangor collided when the Chiddingfold reversed its direction and backed into the Bangor while maneuvering in Bahrain Harbor. The Navy reported only minor damage to each vessel and said the Chiddingfold is operational while the Bangor will require repairs to its damaged fiberglass hull before returning to action.

The vessels are among three minesweepers deployed to the region as part of Operation Kipion, which is the Royal Navy's permanent deployment to protect shipping in the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean, the Independent reported.

Officials for the Royal Navy didn't provide additional information but said they are investigating the collision.

The mishap occurred as Britain joined with the United States and other nations to secure the Red Sea and other shipping corridors against attacks by the Iran-backed Houthis and piracy. The collision was not related to operations, military officials said.