Dan Walker ‘glad to be alive’ after being hit by car while cycling

Dan Walker with his injuries and his paramedics (Twitter)
Dan Walker with his injuries and his paramedics (Twitter)

Broadcaster Dan Walker said he is “glad to be alive” after getting hit by a car while cycling.

The 45-year-old former BBC Breakfast presenter shared a series of images of his bloodied face while sitting in the back of an ambulance, alongside a selfie with the NHSstaff who were caring for him.

Walker, who now works for Channel 5, tweeted: “Bit of an accident this morning. Glad to be alive after getting hit by a car on my bike. Face is a mess but I don’t think anything is broken.

“Thanks to Shaun and Jamie for sorting me out and the lovely copper at the scene. This is my smiling. Thankful for our NHS.”

He did not say where the incident happened.

A number of Walkers’ colleagues and fans shared their well-wishes with him after his post.

“Oh wow! Get well soon,” Strictly Come Dancing star Motsi Mabuse replied.

Mark Clemmit said: “Mate…..Much love from us.”

Dr Punam Krishan added: “Gosh! Glad you’re ok, what a shock that must’ve been. Hope you feel better soon x”.

ITV reporter Sally Biddulph wrote: “So glad you are OK Dan, what a shock. Rest up and feel better soon”. Channel 5 Royal Correspondent, Simon Vigar wrote: “Glad to hear you are in one piece: it must be terrifying. Take it easy.”

In December last year Walker spoke about how he had taken up cycling to get around as ‘an eco thing’.

He said: “I can go from Downing Street to St Pancras in about 15 minutes, and it’s about 30 minutes in a taxi so although I feel like a bit of a geek sometimes, I’m very much enjoying it.”