Dane Cook Laughs Off Miley Cyrus Dating Rumours

Fresh rumours that Miley Cyrus is dating Dane Cook have already been well and truly shot down and are currently smouldering on the rumour mill floor as we speak.

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Today’s news was that Miley had been getting close to the US comedian type after one of those trusty ‘sources’ had told that E! News that the unlikely pair had been on a string of dates.

However, before we could even digest our breakfast let alone the news Dane had already leapt to the defence, poking fun at the claims with a joke.

Asked about the rumours, the 43-year-old quickly prompted a laugh saying: “I’m always the last to know these things,” before adding: “Just let Miley know that I’ll pick her up for dinner at 8.”

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However, could this be a double bluff? This is celebland – far stranger things have happened.

They are definitely good friends, often posting cute Instagram snaps of them hanging out and exchanging Twitter bants.

Miley has been single since splitting from model Stella Maxwell back in late August.

She recently admitted that she is ‘going on dates’ however, not ready to settle down with just one person yet.

“I’m 22, I’m going on dates, but I change my style every two weeks, let alone who I’m with,” she admitted. “I’m very open about it; I’m pansexual. But I’m not in a relationship.”

However, that was about two weeks ago – so who knows? Her new style could totally be 43-year-old US comedians. We’re not ruling it out just yet.