'Dark Overlord' hackers steal celebrity cosmetic surgery photographs

Hackers are threatening to release photographs from a famous UK cosmetic surgery clinic with a range of celebrity customers.

The group, known as The Dark Overlord, claims it stole customer data from the London Bridge Plastic Surgery clinic, including images of breast enhancement and other forms of genital modification.

The clinic confirmed it had been hacked and said it was working to establish exactly what data had been stolen.

"We took measures to block the attack immediately in order to protect patient information and we informed the Metropolitan Police who launched an investigation," the clinic told Sky News.

London Bridge Plastic Surgery clinic counts former glamour model Katie Price among its clients, as well as many people who are not famous, whose privacy has been threatened by the hackers.

The clinic said: "The group behind the attack are highly sophisticated and well known to international law enforcement agencies having targeted large US medical providers and corporations over the past year. We are horrified that they have now targeted our patients."

A representative of the hacking group who contacted online magazine The Daily Beast claimed to have terabytes of data on victims.

"There are some royal families in here," the hackers claimed.

They also threatened to publish the stolen images, a common tactic for criminals who are seeking a ransom - although there has been no acknowledgement the group has demanded money from the clinic.

"We're going to pitch it all up for everyone to nab. The entire patient list with corresponding photos. The world has never seen a medical dump of a plastic surgeon to such a degree," the group told The Daily Beast.

The clinic said: "We are profoundly sorry for any distress this data breach may cause our patients and our team are available around the clock to speak to anyone who has any concerns by calling 0203 858 0664."