British runner, 52, goes missing while out jogging alone on holiday in Madeira

Darren Kay has gone missing in Madeira while going out jogging alone. (SWNS)
Darren Kay has gone missing in Madeira while going out jogging alone. (SWNS)

An elite British runner has gone missing while on holiday in Madeira, after reportedly going jogging alone.

Darren Kay, 52, was staying in Calheta, on the south-west coast of the Portuguese archipelago in the North Atlantic Ocean, with his partner Victoria when he disappeared.

The couple were reportedly completing a two-hour course together near the town when Kay told his partner that he would run on his own for 30 minutes – but never returned.

Authorities have now launched a huge search for him, while the UK Foreign Office confirmed they were supporting the family of a missing Brit in Madeira.

Kay, from Sedbergh in Cumbria, previously represented England in the prestigious Snowdon International mountain race.

Darren Kay previously represented England in the prestigious Snowdon International mountain race. (SWNS)
Darren Kay previously represented England in the prestigious Snowdon International mountain race. (SWNS)

Dozens of his friends have posted on social media wishing for his safe return.

Sports photographer Dave Woodhead, 64, who has know Kay for years, said he hoped his vast experience would help him if he was in trouble.

He said: “I’ve known Darren for years to be honest. When I used to run, he would always be around. He ran for our local club. I’ve known Victoria since she was 10.

Portugal, Madeira island, south coast, Arco da Calheta
Darren Kay was staying in Calheta, on the southwest coast of the tiny Portuguese archipelago in the North Atlantic Ocean. (PA/Alamy)

“In one way, if it was me missing, then it would be more worrying because I’m not as fit as Darren is.

"Darren ran in English championship races. He’s run in appalling weather. He is so experienced, so he would know what to do if something happened.”

He added: “The other side of it is because he is so experienced, you do worry that something may have happened.

Friends say Darren Kay is an experienced runner. (SWNS)
Friends say Darren Kay is an experienced runner. (SWNS)

"What if it’s a freak accident? There are a lot of hollows and ravines there.

“If he’s gone down a ravine and broken his arm, he could be there for four to five days. But I have no idea what happened.”

Mr Woodhead said Kay was a “good bloke” who was always prepared to help out others involved in the fell-running community.

A Foreign Office spokesperson said: “We are supporting the family of a British man who is missing in Madeira, and are in contact with the local authorities.”