Darth Vader Endorses Exxon’s ‘Destruction’ of the Earth in Adam McKay-Produced Spot — Watch

Adam McKay is taking aim at the “mad evil” of Exxon in a new spoof short film speaking out on climate change.

The “Don’t Look Up” director produced “A Love Letter to Exxon from Darth Vader,” helmed by Alice Park. “A long time ago, in our own galaxy, ExxonMobil knew that their product would destroy our planet,” the synopsis reads. “But instead of warning the public, they lied about the climate crisis so they could make trillions in profits. That’s mad evil. The type of evil that someone like Darth Vader respects. It’s sort of like the (very real) friendship medal that Vladimir Putin gave former Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson for helping expand Russian oil and gas production and fuel their war machine.”

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McKay’s Hyperobject Industries banner is behind the short film for the Stop The Oil Profiteering (STOP) campaign by Fossil Free Media, a nonprofit media lab that supports the movement to break free from fossil fuels. Staci Roberts-Steele and Anna Wenger also produced the film.

Darth Vader says that he stands by Exxon CEO Darren Woods and applauds Woods for “doing exactly what I would do,” citing Exxon’s record of knowingly exacerbating the climate crisis for generations.

“I have murdered dozens of Jedi toddlers with my own hand and led the entire galaxy into the grip of a dark regime of terror, but Exxon, that is some unlock-the-secret-bonus-level, cheat-code, evil shit you pulled,” Vader says in the video. 

“The collaboration between Vader and producer McKay marks the first time a senior Galactic Empire military official has endorsed an American Big Oil company – a major boost for Exxon amid intense scrutiny for making record-shattering profits while gouging families at the pump and destroying communities and the climate,” as ExxonKnew.org states. “Vader, one of the few Exxon backers not directly compensated by campaign contributions or dark money, instead lauded this record and pledged to embrace the company’s CEO as soon as time and space allow.”

“Succession” producer McKay said in a statement, “In the late ’70s, Exxon committed what might be the greatest crime in recorded history — they covered up rock-solid science that showed how fossil fuels were causing the explosion of global warming. And you know who loves crimes that cause immeasurable suffering and destruction? Darth Vader.”

McKay and ExxonKnew.org are drawing attention to the petition to the U.S. Department of Justice and the State Attorneys General, which argues that “oil and gas companies like ExxonMobil knew decades ago that their product would lead to catastrophic climate impacts. But instead of warning us, they spent billions of dollars to mislead the public and block climate action.”

McKay’s Hyperobject Industries previously released a viral fake Chevron ad denouncing how oil companies are “murdering us every day.” McKay told IndieWire’s Eric Kohn that climate change is the “biggest threat in the history of humankind.”

Check out the short below.


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